JavaScript Vue

Create a Very Simple Tree View with Vue.js

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Recursion can hurt our heads. It’s especially tough when we have to use recursion to display tree structures the way we want.

In this article, we’ll look at how to build a very simple tree view with Vue.js

To get started, we have to create a component to display the tree nodes.

We can do that by create a Tree component in components/Tree.vue:

      <li v-for="i of items" :key="">
        <Tree :items="i.children" v-if="i.children"/>

export default {
  name: "Tree",
  props: {
    items: Array

We have a ul element, which renders the name property of some object in a li.

Then it renders the children property, which is an array with objects with the name and children properties like the current node.

As indicated by the props property, our component takes an items prop, which is an array.

In the li, we pass in the i.chilren into the items prop to render the items one level down.

We check if i.children is defined so that Tree will only render recursively if it’s defined.

Also, we display the value in the current component instance.

The name property is required for recursive components.

Therefore, we should have that.

Then we can create our App.vue component, which renders the root node.

To implement it, we write:

  <div id="app">
    <Tree :items="items"/>

import Tree from "./components/Tree";

export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      items: [
          name: "foo",
          children: [
            { name: "bar", children: [{ name: "baz" }, { name: "qux" }] }
          name: "lorem",
          children: [{ name: "ipsum" }]
          name: "dolor"

We have an items array, which is a nested array with objects that have the name and children properties.

The children property has arrays with objects that have the same properties.

This is why we wrote out Tree component the way we have before.

children are rendered recursively, and name is rendered in the current node.

We just pass items straight into the items prop of Tree without changes.

Now we should see a nested list of words displayed on the page in the same order and levels that they’re defined in items.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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