
How to Force a Component to Re-render with React Hooks?

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In React class components, the forceUpdate method is provided for forcing the re-rendering of a component.

It’s handy for situations where we want to update a component in response to changes external to the component.

However, there’s no equivalent if we use function components with React hooks.

In this article, we’ll look at how to force the re-rendering of a component created with React hooks.

useCallback Hook

One way to create a forceUpdate function from React hooks is to use the useCallback function.

For instance, we can write:

import { useCallback, useState } from "react";

let time = 0;
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);

export default function App() {
  const [, updateState] = useState();
  const forceUpdate = useCallback(() => updateState({}), []);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <button onClick={() => forceUpdate()}>force update</button>

We have the time variable that we want to render in the App component.

But since it’s not reactive, it won’t show the latest value unless we trigger it to re-render manually.

To create our forceUpdate function, we create the a reactive state with the useState hook.

We didn’t assign the returned state into a variable.

But we did assign the state change function to a variable.

upateState is the function that we can call to force a re-render.

Next, we call the useCallback hook to create a function that calls updateState with a callback that calls updateState .

useCallback lets us cache the function so that it won’t be created repeatedly after each re-render.

updateState will trigger an update since it changes a reactive state.

We have a button that has an onClick handler.

onClick is set to a function that calls forceUpdate to force a re-render.

Once we click the button, we should see the latest value of time at the time we clicked the button.

When we click it again, we’ll see the latest value of time rendered.

If we want, we can also pass in a callback into our updateState function:

import { useCallback, useState } from "react";

let time = 0;
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);

export default function App() {
  const [, updateState] = useState(0);
  const forceUpdate = useCallback(() => updateState((tick) => tick + 1), []);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <button onClick={() => forceUpdate()}>force update</button>

This will also trigger a state update so a re-render will be done.


We can force a function component created with React hooks to re-render by updating a state.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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