Python Answers

How to do multiple aggregations of the same column using Python Pandas with GroupBy.agg()?

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To do multiple aggregations of the same column using Python Pandas with GroupBy.agg(), we can use the groupby and agg methods.

For instance, we write

             a_sum=('a', 'sum'),
             a_mean=('a', 'mean'),
             b_mean=('b', 'mean'),
             c_sum=('c', 'sum'),
             d_range=('d', lambda x: x.max() - x.min())

to call agg on the groups returned by groupby with some arguments to computed aggregate values for various columns.

We compute the sum of columns in a, the mean of a and b, the sum of c and the differnce between the max and min columns in d with agg.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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