NativeScript Vue

NativeScript Vue — Navigation, Toggles, and Sliders

Vue is an easy to use framework for building front end apps.

NativeScript is a mobile app framework that lets us build native mobile apps with popular front end frameworks.

In this article, we’ll look at how to build an app with NativeScript Vue.


The SegmentedBar component lets us display a set of buttons and let us select a choice by clicking one.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
        <SegmentedBarItem title="First" />
        <SegmentedBarItem title="Second" />
        <SegmentedBarItem title="Third" />

<script >
export default {};

to add the SegmentedBar .

The flexDirection is set to 'column' so that the SegmenteBarItem s are displayed side by side.

We can also bind the selected bar item’s index to a reactive property with the v-model directive:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <SegmentedBar v-model="selectedItem">
          v-for="item in listOfItems"
      <Label :text="selectedItem" style="text-align: center" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      listOfItems: [
        { title: "apple" },
        { title: "orange" },
        { title: "grape" },
      selectedItem: 0,

We use v-model to bind the selectedItem reactive property to the selected index.

So when we click on an item, we’ll see the index of it displayed in the Label .


The Slider component is a UI component that shows a slider control for picking values in a specified numeric range.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <Slider v-model="value" />
      <Label :text="value" style="text-align: center" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      value: 0,

to add the numeric slider and bind the selected value to the value reactive property.

We can set the minValue and maxValue props to set the min and max values that we can choose respectively.

The default values are 0 and 100 respectively.


Then Switch component lets us add a toggle switch in our app.

For instance, we can use it by writing:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <Switch v-model="itemEnabled" />
      <Label :text="itemEnabled" style="text-align: center" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      itemEnabled: false,

We bind the toggle switch’s value to the itemEnabled reactive property with v-model .

And the selected value is displayed in the Label .


The TabView is a navigation component that shows content grouped into tabs and lets users switch between them.

For example, we can use it by writing:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
        <TabViewItem title="Tab 1">
          <Label text="Content for Tab 1" />
        <TabViewItem title="Tab 2">
          <Label text="Content for Tab 2" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      selectedIndex: 0,
  methods: {
    indexChange({ value: newIndex }) {
      this.selectedIndex = newIndex;

We add the TabView and set the selectedIndex reactive property to the value of the value property in the parameter object when the selectedIndexChange event is emitted.

The tab content is rendered by the TabViewItem component.

The Label s are the content.


We can add a segmented bar and tab view to add navigation into our NativeScript Vue mobile app.

Numeric slider and toggles are also provided by NativeScript Vue.

NativeScript Vue

NativeScript Vue — Page, Progress Bar, Scroll View, and Search Bar

Vue is an easy to use framework for building front end apps.

NativeScript is a mobile app framework that lets us build native mobile apps with popular front end frameworks.

In this article, we’ll look at how to build an app with NativeScript Vue.


The Page component lets us render the app’s screen.

It’s a wrapper for one or more components.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <Label text="Foo" />
      <Label text="Bar" />

<script >
export default {};

to add the labels to the page.


The Placeholder component lets us add native widgets into our app.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <Placeholder @creatingView="creatingView" />

<script >
export default {
  methods: {
    creatingView(args) {
      const nativeView = new android.widget.TextView(args.context);
      nativeView.setText("Hello World");
      args.view = nativeView;

We listen to the creatingView event and run the creatingView method when it’s emitted.

Then we create the text view with the android.widget.TextView constructor.

We pass in the args.context property to return the native view.

Then we call the setEllipseize to set the ellipsis for the text view.

And we call setText to set the text for the text view.

And we set that as the value of the args.view property to set the view.


The Progress component lets us show a bar to show the progress of a task.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <Progress :value="currentProgress" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      currentProgress: 50,

We add the Progress component to show the progress bar.

The value prop has the progress value. It can be between 0 and 100.


The ScrollView component lets us add a scrollable content area into our app.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <ScrollView orientation="horizontal">
        <StackLayout orientation="horizontal">
          <Label :text="n" v-for="n in 100" :key="n" width='30' />

<script >
export default {};

to add a ScrollView with a StackLayout inside.

We set both orientation props to 'horizontal' to display a horizontal scroll view.

Then we add the Label inside the StackLayout to display the numbers.

Now we can scroll through the numbers.


The SearchBar component lets us add an input box to let users enter a search query.

For instance, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <SearchBar v-model="searchQuery" @submit="onSubmit" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      searchQuery: "",
  methods: {
    onSubmit() {

We bind the input value of the SearchBar to the searchQuery reactive property.

Then when we press Enter, the submit event is emitted.

Then the onSubmit method is called.

We can add a search hint with the hint prop.


We can add a page, progress bar, scroll view, and search bar into our mobile app with NativeScript Vue.

NativeScript Vue

NativeScript Vue — Labels, ListViews, and List Pickers

Vue is an easy to use framework for building front end apps.

NativeScript is a mobile app framework that lets us build native mobile apps with popular front end frameworks.

In this article, we’ll look at how to build an app with NativeScript Vue.


We can add a label to our app with the Label component.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <Label text="Label" />

<script >
export default {};

to add a label into our app.

The text prop has the text to display.

We can also add formatted text with:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <Label textWrap>
            text="hello world"
            style="color: red"

<script >
export default {};

We add the FormattedString component to add the formatted string.

The Span has the text, font weight, font style, and other styles we want to add.


We can add a component to let users pick a choice with the ListPicker component.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      listOfItems: ["apple", "orange", "grape"],
  methods: {
    selectedIndexChanged({ value }) {

We add the ListPicker component with the items prop to set the items displayed.

selectedIndex is set to 0 to select the first item by default.

And we listen to the selectedIndexChange event that’s emitted from the component.

We can get the index of the selected component with the value prop.

We can shorten this with the v-model directive:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <ListPicker :items="listOfItems" v-model="selectedItem" />
      <Label :text="selectedItem" style="text-align: center" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      listOfItems: ["apple", "orange", "grape"],
      selectedItem: "",

It binds the index of the selected item to the selectedItem reactive property.


We can add a vertically scrolling list view with the ListView component.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <ListView for="item in listOfItems" [@itemTap]( "Twitter profile for @itemTap")="onItemTap">
          <Label :text="item.text" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      listOfItems: [
          text: "apple",
        { text: "orange" },
          text: "grape",
      selectedItem: "",
  methods: {
    onItemTap({ item }) {

to add the ListView component to display our objects in our code.

We add a Label into the default slot to display the items the way we like.

The itemTap event is emitted when we tap on an item.

Then we can get the tapped item with the onItemTap method.

Also, we can add multiple v-template blocks.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <ListView for="item in listOfItems" @itemTap="onItemTap">
          <Label :text="item.text" />

        <v-template if="$odd">
          <Label :text="item.text" color="red" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      listOfItems: [
          text: "apple",
        { text: "orange" },
          text: "grape",
      selectedItem: "",
  methods: {
    onItemTap({ item }) {

We add the if prop to the v-template to show something different for items with an odd index with the $odd reactive property.

Also, we can use $even to for check if an item has an even index.

$index has the index of the item.

ListView doesn’t loop through the list items like we expect with v-for .

It just creates the required views to display the currently visible items on the screen.

The views are reused for items that were off-screen and now shown on-screen.


We can add labels, list pickers, and list views into our mobile app with NativeScript Vue.

NativeScript Vue

NativeScript Vue — Date Picker, Frame, HtmlView, and Images

Vue is an easy to use framework for building front end apps.

NativeScript is a mobile app framework that lets us build native mobile apps with popular front end frameworks.

In this article, we’ll look at how to build an app with NativeScript Vue.


NativeScript Vue comes with a date picker component.

To use it, we add:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <DatePicker v-model="selectedDate" />
      <Label :text="selectedDate" style="text-align: center" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      selectedDate: undefined,

We add the DatePicker with the v-model directive to bind the selected value to the selectedDate reactive property.

Also, we can restrict the date range that we can choose with the minDate and maxDate props.

They’ll set the min and max dates that we can choose.

date get or set the complete date.

And day , month , and year gets or sets the day, month, and year respectively.


The Frame component is the root element for our app.

Every app needs at least one Frame .

We can have also more than one Frame.

For example, in main.js , we have:

import Vue from 'nativescript-vue'
import App from './components/App'
import VueDevtools from 'nativescript-vue-devtools'

if(TNS_ENV !== 'production') {

// Prints Vue logs when --env.production is *NOT* set while building
Vue.config.silent = (TNS_ENV === 'production')

new Vue({

  render: h => h('frame', [h(App)])

to render the frame.


We can add the HtmlView component to show static HTML content in our NativeScript Vue app.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <HtmlView html="<div><h1>HtmlView</h1></div>" />

<script >
export default {};

to add the HtmlView to display the raw HTML in the html prop.


The Image component lets us show images.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">

<script >
export default {};

We set the src prop to the URL of the image.

stretch is set to 'none' to disable stretching.

We can also the src to a path in the project. For instance, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <Image src="~/assets/images/NativeScript-Vue.png" stretch="none" />

<script >
export default {};

We can reference an image in the /src/assets/images folder with this path.

Also, we can reference an icon:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <Image src="res://icon" stretch="none" />

<script >
export default {};

A base64 string also works:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">

<script >
export default {};

We can also display a font icon:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
    <FlexboxLayout flexDirection="column">
      <Image src.decode="font://&#xf004;" class="fas" />

<script >
export default {};

We add the decode modifier to decode the icon font.


We can add a date picker, HTML view, frame and an image into our app with NativeScript Vue.

NativeScript Vue

NativeScript Vue — Toolbars, Progress Indicators, and Buttons

Vue is an easy to use framework for building front end apps.

NativeScript is a mobile app framework that lets us build native mobile apps with popular front end frameworks.

In this article, we’ll look at how to build an app with NativeScript Vue.


We can use the ActionItem component to add action buttons into the ActionBar component.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App">
      <ActionItem @tap="onTapDelete" text="delete" android.position="popup" />

<script >
export default {
  methods: {
    onTapShare() {
      console.log("shared tapped");
    onTapDelete() {
      console.log("delete tapped");

The first ActionItem is an icon that’s displayed on the bar.

We set the icon to display with the android.systemIcon prop.

The android.position prop sets the location that the icon is displayed in.

The 2nd ActionItem has the text prop for the menu item text.

And we set the android.position to 'popup' so that we display the ‘delete’ item in the popup menu on the top right corner.

The tap event listeners are run when we tap of the buttons.


The NavigationButton component lets us add navigation buttons into our app.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App">
        text="Go back"

<script >
export default {
  methods: {
    goBack() {
      console.log("go back tapped");

We add the NavigationButton into our ActionBar .

We set the text for the navigation button, which is displayed beside the icon.

android.systemIcon sets the icon.

We have the tap event listener on the NavigationItem , so the goBack method is run when we tap on the navigation button.


The ActivityIndicator component lets us show a progress indicator for the user.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"> </ActionBar>
      <ActivityIndicator :busy="busy" @busyChange="onBusyChanged" />

<script >
export default {
  data() {
    return { busy: false };
  mounted() {
    this.busy = true;
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.busy = false;
    }, 3000);
  methods: {
    onBusyChanged() {
      console.log("busy changed");

We add the ActivityIndicator to our app.

The busy prop controls when the activity indicator is displayed.

It’ll be displayed if it’s true .

Also, we listen to the busyChange event with the onBusyChanged method.

It runs whenever the busy prop is changed.


We can use the Button component to add a button into the screen.

To do this, we write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
      <Button text="Button" @tap="onButtonTap" />

<script >
export default {
  methods: {
    onButtonTap() {
      console.log("button tapped");

We add the Button component with the text prop to set the button text.

And we listen to the tap event with the onButtonTap method.

We can style our button with the Span component.

For example, we can write:

    <ActionBar title="NativeScript App"></ActionBar>
      <Button @tap="onButtonTap">
        <Span text="Red and Bold" fontWeight="bold" style="color: red" />

<script >
export default {
  methods: {
    onButtonTap() {
      console.log("button tapped");

We add the Span inside the Button .

The text prop sets the button text.

fontWeight sets the font-weight.

The style prop sets the text style.


We can add top bar items, progress indicators and buttons with NativeScript Vue.