JavaScript Nuxt.js Vue

How to run background tasks in a Nuxt app with web workers?

(The source code is at

Sometimes, we want to run background tasks in a Nuxt app with web workers.

In this article, we’ll look at how to run background tasks in a Nuxt app with web workers.

How to run background tasks in a Nuxt app with web workers?

To run background tasks in a Nuxt app with web workers, we can add the Webpack’s worker-loader package into our Nuxt project.

Also, we’ve to make sure that web workers are only loaded on client side.

We’ll make a project that loads a large JSON file and searches it.

To start, we create the Nuxt project with:

npx create-nuxt-app quest

Then we run:

cd quest
npm run dev

to change to the project folder and run the project.

Next, we add Vuetify into the project with:

npm install @nuxtjs/vuetify -D

And we add the worker-loader package with:

npm i worker-loader@^1.1.1

To store data with IndexedDB, we install the Dexie package.

To install it, we run:

npm i dexie

Next, in nuxt.config.js, we change it to:

export default {
  // Global page headers:
  head: {
    title: 'quest',
    htmlAttrs: {
      lang: 'en',
    meta: [
      { charset: 'utf-8' },
      { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
      { hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: '' },
      { name: 'format-detection', content: 'telephone=no' },
    link: [{ rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }],

  // Global CSS:
  css: [],

  // Plugins to run before rendering page:
  plugins: [
    { src: '~/plugins/inject-ww', ssr: false }

  // Auto import components:
  components: true,

  // Modules for dev and build (recommended):
  buildModules: ['@nuxtjs/vuetify'],

  // Modules:
  modules: [],

  // Build Configuration:
  mode: 'spa',
  build: {
    extend(config, { isClient }) {
      config.output.globalObject = 'this'

      if (isClient) {
          test: /\.worker\.js$/,
          loader: 'worker-loader',
          exclude: /(node_modules)/,
  ssr: false,

We added the build.extend method to invoke the worker-loader when any file that ends with .worker.js is found.

isClient makes sure workers only load on client side apps.

config.output.globalObject = 'this' is needed so the hot reloading will work with the web workers loaded.

We also set ssr to false to disable server side rendering.

Also, we add { src: '~/plugins/inject-ww', ssr: false } to add the /plugins/inject-ww to load the worker loading plugin.

We add '@nuxtjs/vuetify' to load Vuetify in Nuxt.

In the plugins folder, we add:

import Worker from '~/assets/js/data.worker.js'

export default (_, inject) => {
  inject('worker', {
    createWorker () {
      return new Worker()

to load the worker from the /assets/js/data.worker.js.

To create worker, we create the data.worker.js file in the /assets/js/ and add:

import db from '@/db'

onmessage = async () => {
  if ((await db.avatars.toCollection().toArray()).length > 0) {
      loaded: true,
  const usersObj = await import(`@/data/users.json`)
  const users = Object.values(usersObj)
  const usersWithId =, id) => ({ ...u, id }))
  await db.avatars.bulkPut(usersWithId)
    loaded: true,

@/data/users.json is a big JSON file saved in the project.

We import the users.json file from the data folder and store it in Indexed DB with Dexie.

db comes from db.js, which has:

import Dexie from 'dexie'

const db = new Dexie('db')
  avatars: '++id, address, avatar, city, email, name, title',

export default db

We create the db database with the avatars collection with the given keys.

We call bulkPut to write the retrieved data to the collection.

And we call postMessage to communicate that loading is done.

The message will be picked by by the message event handler when we invoke this worker.

In the pages, folder, we add _keyword.vue, to add an input and the search results component:

    <v-card width="600px" elevation="0" class="mx-auto">
      <v-card-text :elevation="0">

        <SearchResults :keyword="keyword" />

<script >
import { mdiMagnify } from '@mdi/js'
import SearchResults from '@/components/SearchResults'

export default {
  components: {
  data() {4
    return {
      keyword: '',
  beforeMount() {
    this.keyword = this.$route.params.keyword

html {
  overflow: hidden;

Then in components/SearchResults.vue that we created, we add:

    <div v-if="loading" class="my-3">
        <v-card-text> Loading... </v-card-text>
    <div v-else id="scrollable" class="my-3">
        v-for="r of filteredSearchResultsWithHighlight"
          border: highlightStatus[] ? '2px solid lightblue' : undefined,
          highlightStatus = {}
          $set(highlightStatus,, !highlightStatus[])
        <v-card-text class="d-flex pa-0 ma-0">
          <img :src="r.avatar" class="avatar" />
            class="flex-grow-1 pa-3 d-flex flex-column justify-space-between right-pane"
            <div class="d-flex justify-space-between">
                <h2 v-html=""></h2>
                <p class="py-0 my-0">
                  <b v-html="r.title"></b>
                <p class="py-0 my-0">
                  <span v-html="r.address"></span>,
                  <span v-html=""></span>
              <div v-html=""></div>

              <v-btn text color="#00897B">Mark as Suitable</v-btn>

import db from '@/db'

export default {
  props: {
    keyword: {
      type: String,
      default: '',
  data() {
    return {
      highlightStatus: {},
      filteredSearchResults: [],
      loading: false,
  computed: {
    filteredSearchResultsWithHighlight() {
      const { keyword } = this
      if (!Array.isArray(this.filteredSearchResults)) {
        return []
      const highlighted = this.filteredSearchResults?.map((u) => {
        const highlightedEntries = Object.entries(u)?.map(([key, val]) => {
          if (key === 'avatar' || key === 'id') {
            return [key, val]
          const highlightedVal = val?.replace(
            new RegExp(keyword, 'gi'),
            (match) => `<mark>${match}</mark>`
          return [key, highlightedVal]
        return Object.fromEntries(highlightedEntries)
      return highlighted
  watch: {
    keyword: {
      immediate: true,
      handler() {
  beforeMount() {
  methods: {
    async search() {
      await this.$nextTick()
      const { keyword } = this
      if (keyword) {
        const filteredSearchResults = await db.avatars
          .filter((u) => {
            const { address, city, email, name, title } = u
            return (
              address?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
              city?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
              email?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
              name?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
        this.filteredSearchResults = filteredSearchResults
      } else {
        this.filteredSearchResults = await db.avatars
    loadData() {
      this.loading = true
      const worker = this.$worker.createWorker()
      worker.onmessage = () => {
        this.loading = false

.avatar {
  background: #bdbdbd;
  width: 150px;

.right-pane {
  background: #fafafa;

mark {
  background: yellow;

#scrollable {
  height: calc(100vh - 100px);
  overflow-y: auto;

In the loadData method. we call this.$worker.createWorker to create the worker that we injected.

this.$worker is available since the inject-ww.js script is run when the app is loaded.

We set worker.onmessage to a function so that we recent messages from the worker when postMessage in the onmessage function of the worker is called.

Once we received a message from the web workwer, we call the method to do the filtering according to the keyword value.

And we call worker.postMessage with anything so that the worker’s onmessage function in the worker will start running.

Now when we type in something into the text box, we see results displayed in the cards.

We should be able to load large amounts of data in the web worker without hanging the browser since it’s run in the background.


To run background tasks in a Nuxt app with web workers, we can add the Webpack’s worker-loader package into our Nuxt project.

Also, we’ve to make sure that web workers are only loaded on client side.

We’ll make a project that loads a large JSON file and searches it.

JavaScript Nuxt.js

How to load large amounts of data in the background in a Nuxt app with web workers?

(The source code is at

Sometimes, we want to load large amounts of data in the background in a Nuxt app with web workers

In this article, we’ll look at how to load large amounts of data in the background in a Nuxt app with web workers

How to load large amounts of data in the background in a Nuxt app with web workers?

To run background tasks in a Nuxt app with web workers, we can add the Webpack’s worker-loader package into our Nuxt project.

Also, we’ve to make sure that web workers are only loaded on client side.

We’ll make a project that loads a large JSON file and searches it.

To start, we create the Nuxt project with:

npx create-nuxt-app quest

Then we run:

cd quest
npm run dev

to change to the project folder and run the project.

Next, we add Vuetify into the project with:

npm install @nuxtjs/vuetify -D

And we add the worker-loader package with:

npm i worker-loader@^1.1.1

To store data with IndexedDB, we install the Dexie package.

To install it, we run:

npm i dexie

Next, in nuxt.config.js, we change it to:

export default {
  // Global page headers:
  head: {
    title: 'quest',
    htmlAttrs: {
      lang: 'en',
    meta: [
      { charset: 'utf-8' },
      { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
      { hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: '' },
      { name: 'format-detection', content: 'telephone=no' },
    link: [{ rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }],

  // Global CSS:
  css: [],

  // Plugins to run before rendering page:
  plugins: [
    { src: '~/plugins/inject-ww', ssr: false }

  // Auto import components:
  components: true,

  // Modules for dev and build (recommended):
  buildModules: ['@nuxtjs/vuetify'],

  // Modules:
  modules: [],

  // Build Configuration:
  mode: 'spa',
  build: {
    extend(config, { isClient }) {
      config.output.globalObject = 'this'

      if (isClient) {
          test: /\.worker\.js$/,
          loader: 'worker-loader',
          exclude: /(node_modules)/,
  ssr: false,

We added the build.extend method to invoke the worker-loader when any file that ends with .worker.js is found.

isClient makes sure workers only load on client side apps.

config.output.globalObject = 'this' is needed so the hot reloading will work with the web workers loaded.

We also set ssr to false to disable server side rendering.

Also, we add { src: '~/plugins/inject-ww', ssr: false } to add the /plugins/inject-ww to load the worker loading plugin.

We add '@nuxtjs/vuetify' to load Vuetify in Nuxt.

In the plugins folder, we add:

import Worker from '~/assets/js/data.worker.js'

export default (_, inject) => {
  inject('worker', {
    createWorker () {
      return new Worker()

to load the worker from the /assets/js/data.worker.js.

To create worker, we create the data.worker.js file in the /assets/js/ and add:

import db from '@/db'

onmessage = async () => {
  if ((await db.avatars.toCollection().toArray()).length > 0) {
      loaded: true,
  const usersObj = await import(`@/data/users.json`)
  const users = Object.values(usersObj)
  const usersWithId =, id) => ({ ...u, id }))
  await db.avatars.bulkPut(usersWithId)
    loaded: true,

@/data/users.json is a big JSON file saved in the project.

We import the users.json file from the data folder and store it in Indexed DB with Dexie.

We can load very large JSON files without crashing the browser since web workers run in a separate thread from the main browser thread.

db comes from db.js, which has:

import Dexie from 'dexie'

const db = new Dexie('db')
  avatars: '++id, address, avatar, city, email, name, title',

export default db

We create the db database with the avatars collection with the given keys.

We call bulkPut to write the retrieved data to the collection.

Now we cache the data in Indexed DB so they don’t have to load every time we load the app.

We make sure we try to load the cached data first with:

if ((await db.avatars.toCollection().toArray()).length > 0) {
    loaded: true,

And we call postMessage to communicate that loading is done.

The message will be picked by by the message event handler when we invoke this worker.

In the pages, folder, we add _keyword.vue, to add an input and the search results component:

    <v-card width="600px" elevation="0" class="mx-auto">
      <v-card-text :elevation="0">

        <SearchResults :keyword="keyword" />

<script >
import { mdiMagnify } from '@mdi/js'
import SearchResults from '@/components/SearchResults'

export default {
  components: {
  data() {4
    return {
      keyword: '',
  beforeMount() {
    this.keyword = this.$route.params.keyword

html {
  overflow: hidden;

Then in components/SearchResults.vue that we created, we add:

    <div v-if="loading" class="my-3">
        <v-card-text> Loading... </v-card-text>
    <div v-else id="scrollable" class="my-3">
        v-for="r of filteredSearchResultsWithHighlight"
          border: highlightStatus[] ? '2px solid lightblue' : undefined,
          highlightStatus = {}
          $set(highlightStatus,, !highlightStatus[])
        <v-card-text class="d-flex pa-0 ma-0">
          <img :src="r.avatar" class="avatar" />
            class="flex-grow-1 pa-3 d-flex flex-column justify-space-between right-pane"
            <div class="d-flex justify-space-between">
                <h2 v-html=""></h2>
                <p class="py-0 my-0">
                  <b v-html="r.title"></b>
                <p class="py-0 my-0">
                  <span v-html="r.address"></span>,
                  <span v-html=""></span>
              <div v-html=""></div>

              <v-btn text color="#00897B">Mark as Suitable</v-btn>

import db from '@/db'

export default {
  props: {
    keyword: {
      type: String,
      default: '',
  data() {
    return {
      highlightStatus: {},
      filteredSearchResults: [],
      loading: false,
  computed: {
    filteredSearchResultsWithHighlight() {
      const { keyword } = this
      if (!Array.isArray(this.filteredSearchResults)) {
        return []
      const highlighted = this.filteredSearchResults?.map((u) => {
        const highlightedEntries = Object.entries(u)?.map(([key, val]) => {
          if (key === 'avatar' || key === 'id') {
            return [key, val]
          const highlightedVal = val?.replace(
            new RegExp(keyword, 'gi'),
            (match) => `<mark>${match}</mark>`
          return [key, highlightedVal]
        return Object.fromEntries(highlightedEntries)
      return highlighted
  watch: {
    keyword: {
      immediate: true,
      handler() {
  beforeMount() {
  methods: {
    async search() {
      await this.$nextTick()
      const { keyword } = this
      if (keyword) {
        const filteredSearchResults = await db.avatars
          .filter((u) => {
            const { address, city, email, name, title } = u
            return (
              address?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
              city?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
              email?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
              name?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
        this.filteredSearchResults = filteredSearchResults
      } else {
        this.filteredSearchResults = await db.avatars
    loadData() {
      this.loading = true
      const worker = this.$worker.createWorker()
      worker.onmessage = () => {
        this.loading = false

.avatar {
  background: #bdbdbd;
  width: 150px;

.right-pane {
  background: #fafafa;

mark {
  background: yellow;

#scrollable {
  height: calc(100vh - 100px);
  overflow-y: auto;

In the loadData method. we call this.$worker.createWorker to create the worker that we injected.

this.$worker is available since the inject-ww.js script is run when the app is loaded.

We set worker.onmessage to a function so that we recent messages from the worker when postMessage in the onmessage function of the worker is called.

Once we received a message from the web workwer, we call the method to do the filtering according to the keyword value.

And we call worker.postMessage with anything so that the worker’s onmessage function in the worker will start running.

Now when we type in something into the text box, we see results displayed in the cards.

We should be able to load large amounts of data in the web worker without hanging the browser since it’s run in the background.


To run background tasks in a Nuxt app with web workers, we can add the Webpack’s worker-loader package into our Nuxt project.

Also, we’ve to make sure that web workers are only loaded on client side.

We’ll make a project that loads a large JSON file and searches it.

Nuxt.js Vue Answers

How to access route parameters in a page with Nuxt?

(The source code is at

Sometimes, we want to load large amounts of data in the background in a Nuxt app with web workers

In this article, we’ll look at how to load large amounts of data in the background in a Nuxt app with web workers

How to access route parameters in a page with Nuxt?

To run background tasks in a Nuxt app with web workers, we can add the Webpack’s worker-loader package into our Nuxt project.

Also, we’ve to make sure that web workers are only loaded on client side.

We’ll make a project that loads a large JSON file and searches it.

To start, we create the Nuxt project with:

npx create-nuxt-app quest

Then we run:

cd quest
npm run dev

to change to the project folder and run the project.

Next, we add Vuetify into the project with:

npm install @nuxtjs/vuetify -D

And we add the worker-loader package with:

npm i worker-loader@^1.1.1

To store data with IndexedDB, we install the Dexie package.

To install it, we run:

npm i dexie

Next, in nuxt.config.js, we change it to:

export default {
  // Global page headers:
  head: {
    title: 'quest',
    htmlAttrs: {
      lang: 'en',
    meta: [
      { charset: 'utf-8' },
      { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
      { hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: '' },
      { name: 'format-detection', content: 'telephone=no' },
    link: [{ rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }],

  // Global CSS:
  css: [],

  // Plugins to run before rendering page:
  plugins: [
    { src: '~/plugins/inject-ww', ssr: false }

  // Auto import components:
  components: true,

  // Modules for dev and build (recommended):
  buildModules: ['@nuxtjs/vuetify'],

  // Modules:
  modules: [],

  // Build Configuration:
  mode: 'spa',
  build: {
    extend(config, { isClient }) {
      config.output.globalObject = 'this'

      if (isClient) {
          test: /\.worker\.js$/,
          loader: 'worker-loader',
          exclude: /(node_modules)/,
  ssr: false,

We added the build.extend method to invoke the worker-loader when any file that ends with .worker.js is found.

isClient makes sure workers only load on client side apps.

config.output.globalObject = 'this' is needed so the hot reloading will work with the web workers loaded.

We also set ssr to false to disable server side rendering.

Also, we add { src: '~/plugins/inject-ww', ssr: false } to add the /plugins/inject-ww to load the worker loading plugin.

We add '@nuxtjs/vuetify' to load Vuetify in Nuxt.

In the plugins folder, we add:

import Worker from '~/assets/js/data.worker.js'

export default (_, inject) => {
  inject('worker', {
    createWorker () {
      return new Worker()

to load the worker from the /assets/js/data.worker.js.

To create worker, we create the data.worker.js file in the /assets/js/ and add:

import db from '@/db'

onmessage = async () => {
  if ((await db.avatars.toCollection().toArray()).length > 0) {
      loaded: true,
  const usersObj = await import(`@/data/users.json`)
  const users = Object.values(usersObj)
  const usersWithId =, id) => ({ ...u, id }))
  await db.avatars.bulkPut(usersWithId)
    loaded: true,

@/data/users.json is a big JSON file saved in the project.

We import the users.json file from the data folder and store it in Indexed DB with Dexie.

We can load very large JSON files without crashing the browser since web workers run in a separate thread from the main browser thread.

db comes from db.js, which has:

import Dexie from 'dexie'

const db = new Dexie('db')
  avatars: '++id, address, avatar, city, email, name, title',

export default db

We create the db database with the avatars collection with the given keys.

We call bulkPut to write the retrieved data to the collection.

Now we cache the data in Indexed DB so they don’t have to load every time we load the app.

We make sure we try to load the cached data first with:

if ((await db.avatars.toCollection().toArray()).length > 0) {
    loaded: true,

And we call postMessage to communicate that loading is done.

The message will be picked by by the message event handler when we invoke this worker.

In the pages, folder, we add _keyword.vue, to add an input and the search results component:

    <v-card width="600px" elevation="0" class="mx-auto">
      <v-card-text :elevation="0">

        <SearchResults :keyword="keyword" />

<script >
import { mdiMagnify } from '@mdi/js'
import SearchResults from '@/components/SearchResults'

export default {
  components: {
  data() {4
    return {
      keyword: '',
  beforeMount() {
    this.keyword = this.$route.params.keyword

html {
  overflow: hidden;

The name of the page starts with an underscore means that we can get the URL parameter with the file name as the property name with the URL parameter value, so we can access the URL parameter value with the this.$route.params.keyword property.

Then in components/SearchResults.vue that we created, we add:

    <div v-if="loading" class="my-3">
        <v-card-text> Loading... </v-card-text>
    <div v-else id="scrollable" class="my-3">
        v-for="r of filteredSearchResultsWithHighlight"
          border: highlightStatus[] ? '2px solid lightblue' : undefined,
          highlightStatus = {}
          $set(highlightStatus,, !highlightStatus[])
        <v-card-text class="d-flex pa-0 ma-0">
          <img :src="r.avatar" class="avatar" />
            class="flex-grow-1 pa-3 d-flex flex-column justify-space-between right-pane"
            <div class="d-flex justify-space-between">
                <h2 v-html=""></h2>
                <p class="py-0 my-0">
                  <b v-html="r.title"></b>
                <p class="py-0 my-0">
                  <span v-html="r.address"></span>,
                  <span v-html=""></span>
              <div v-html=""></div>

              <v-btn text color="#00897B">Mark as Suitable</v-btn>

import db from '@/db'

export default {
  props: {
    keyword: {
      type: String,
      default: '',
  data() {
    return {
      highlightStatus: {},
      filteredSearchResults: [],
      loading: false,
  computed: {
    filteredSearchResultsWithHighlight() {
      const { keyword } = this
      if (!Array.isArray(this.filteredSearchResults)) {
        return []
      const highlighted = this.filteredSearchResults?.map((u) => {
        const highlightedEntries = Object.entries(u)?.map(([key, val]) => {
          if (key === 'avatar' || key === 'id') {
            return [key, val]
          const highlightedVal = val?.replace(
            new RegExp(keyword, 'gi'),
            (match) => `<mark>${match}</mark>`
          return [key, highlightedVal]
        return Object.fromEntries(highlightedEntries)
      return highlighted
  watch: {
    keyword: {
      immediate: true,
      handler() {
  beforeMount() {
  methods: {
    async search() {
      await this.$nextTick()
      const { keyword } = this
      if (keyword) {
        const filteredSearchResults = await db.avatars
          .filter((u) => {
            const { address, city, email, name, title } = u
            return (
              address?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
              city?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
              email?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
              name?.toLowerCase()?.includes(keyword?.toLowerCase()) ||
        this.filteredSearchResults = filteredSearchResults
      } else {
        this.filteredSearchResults = await db.avatars
    loadData() {
      this.loading = true
      const worker = this.$worker.createWorker()
      worker.onmessage = () => {
        this.loading = false

.avatar {
  background: #bdbdbd;
  width: 150px;

.right-pane {
  background: #fafafa;

mark {
  background: yellow;

#scrollable {
  height: calc(100vh - 100px);
  overflow-y: auto;

In the loadData method. we call this.$worker.createWorker to create the worker that we injected.

this.$worker is available since the inject-ww.js script is run when the app is loaded.

We set worker.onmessage to a function so that we recent messages from the worker when postMessage in the onmessage function of the worker is called.

Once we received a message from the web workwer, we call the method to do the filtering according to the keyword value.

And we call worker.postMessage with anything so that the worker’s onmessage function in the worker will start running.

Now when we type in something into the text box, we see results displayed in the cards.

We should be able to load large amounts of data in the web worker without hanging the browser since it’s run in the background.


To run background tasks in a Nuxt app with web workers, we can add the Webpack’s worker-loader package into our Nuxt project.

Also, we’ve to make sure that web workers are only loaded on client side.

We’ll make a project that loads a large JSON file and searches it.


Adding Authentication to a Nuxt App with the Firebase

With the Nuxt Auth module, we can add authentication to our Nuxt app with ease.

One way is to add authentication with Firebase.

In this article, we’ll look at how to add Firebase authentication to our server-side rendered Nuxt app.

Install Packages

We have to add some packages to add Firebase to our Nuxt app.

To do that, we run:

npm i @nuxtjs/firebase @nuxtjs/pwa firebase firebase-admin

to add the required packages.


We have to add configuration to our Nuxt app so that we can get the user when we load pages.

In nuxt.config.js , we write:

export default {
  ** Nuxt rendering mode
  ** See
  mode: 'universal',
  ** Nuxt target
  ** See
  target: 'server',
  ** Headers of the page
  ** See
  head: {
    title: process.env.npm_package_name || '',
    meta: [
      { charset: 'utf-8' },
      { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
      { hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: process.env.npm_package_description || '' }
    link: [
      { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }
  ** Global CSS
  css: [
  ** Plugins to load before mounting the App
  plugins: [
  ** Auto import components
  ** See
  components: true,
  ** Nuxt.js dev-modules
  buildModules: [
  ** Nuxt.js modules
  modules: [
    // Doc:
        config: {
          apiKey: "api-key",
          authDomain: "",
          databaseURL: "",
          projectId: "project-id",
          storageBucket: "",
          messagingSenderId: 'message-sender-id',
          appId: "BookDb"
        services: {
          auth: {
            persistence: 'local',
            initialize: {
              onAuthStateChangedMutation: "SET_USER",
              onAuthStateChangedAction: 'onAuthStateChangedAction',
            ssr: {
              serverLogin: {
                sessionLifetime: 60 * 60 * 1000,
                loginDelay: 50
  ** Axios module configuration
  ** See
  axios: {

  ** Build configuration
  ** See
  build: {
  firebase: {
    services: {
      auth: {
        ssr: true
  pwa: {
    meta: false,
    icon: false,
    workbox: {
      importScripts: [
      dev: true

We add the @nuxtjs/firebase module with many options.

The config property has the Firebase configuration options.

services configures the auth service to persist the user.

The onAuthStateChangeMutation action is the Vuex action to save the authenticated user’s data.

ssr has the options for how long to keep the user data.

The sessionLifetime property has the session lifetime.

And loginDelay is the delay to save the user data after a successful login.

Vuex Store

We’ve to create a Vuex store to store the data.

To do that, we create a store/index.js file and write:

export const state = () => ({
  authUser: {}

export const actions = {
  async onAuthStateChangedAction({ commit }, { authUser, claims }) {
    const { uid, email, emailVerified, displayName, photoURL } = authUser

  commit('SET_USER', {
      isAdmin: claims.custom_claim
  async nuxtServerInit({ dispatch, commit }, { res }) {
    if (res && res.locals && res.locals.user) {
      const { allClaims: claims, idToken: token, ...authUser } = res.locals.user
      await dispatch('onAuthStateChangedAction', {
      commit('ON_AUTH_STATE_CHANGED_MUTATION', { authUser, claims, token })

export const mutations = {
  ON_AUTH_STATE_CHANGED_MUTATION(state, { authUser, claims }) {
    const { uid, email, emailVerified, displayName, photoURL } = authUser

    state.authUser = {
      photoURL: photoURL || null,
      isAdmin: claims.custom_claim
  SET_USER(state, payload) {
    state.authUser = payload;

The onAuthStateChanged action is invoked by nuxtServerInit to set the authenticated user’s data on page load.

nuxtServerInit is run when the page loads.

ON_AUTH_STATE_CHANGED_MUTATION is a mutation to save the authUser state.

SET_USER sets the authUser state.

When we run the this.$fireAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword method is run successful by authentication with the correct credentials, then the actions and mutations will be run.

The res.locals.user property in the nuxtServerInit will also be set so that we have the currently logged in user’s data on page load.

Login Form

Finally, we need a login form so we can log in.

We create a login.vue file and add:

  <div class="container">
    <form @submit="signIn">
        <input type="text" v-model="" />
        <input type="text" v-model="login.password" />
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      login: {},
  methods: {
    async signIn() {
      try {
        const { email, password } = this.login;
        await this.$fireAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);
      } catch (error) {

We create a login form and if we log in with the right email and password, the Vuex actions will be run to set the data.

This is because the static/assets/firebase-auth-sw.js service worker that comes with the Nuxt Firebase does that work for us in the background.


Adding Authentication to a Nuxt App with the Nuxt Auth Module

With the Nuxt Auth module, we can add authentication to our Nuxt app with ease.

In this article, we’ll look at how to add authentication to our Nuxt app with Express and the Nuxt Auth module.

Getting Started

We’ve to add the Axios and Nuxt Auth modules.

Nuxt Auth uses Axios for sending requests.

To install it, we run:

yarn add @nuxtjs/auth @nuxtjs/axios


npm install @nuxtjs/auth @nuxtjs/axios

Then in nuxt.config.js , we add:

const baseURL = "";

export default {
  mode: 'universal',
  target: 'server',
  head: {
    title: process.env.npm_package_name || '',
    meta: [
      { charset: 'utf-8' },
      { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
      { hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: process.env.npm_package_description || '' }
    link: [
      { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }
  css: [
  plugins: [
  components: true,
  buildModules: [
  modules: [
  axios: {
  build: {

We add the baseURL to the axios property to set the base URL of our requests.

Also, we add the '@nuxtjs/auth' module to the modules array to add the module.

In the store folder, we’ve to add index.js to use the Nuxt auth module.

Back End

We use Express as the back end for our app.

To create it, we install Express with some packages by running:

npm i express body-parser cors

in a project folder.

Then we create index.js in the same folder and add:

const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const cors = require('cors')
const app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));'/api/auth/login', (req, res) => {
});'/api/auth/logout', (req, res) => {

app.get('/api/auth/user', (req, res) => {

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('server started'));

We need the cors middleware to accept cross-domain requests.

The routes are the endpoints we send our auth requests to.

We should add logic to check for users in real-world applications.

Front End

In our Nuxt app, we add a login.vue component and add:

  <div class="container">
    <form @submit.prevent="userLogin">
        <input type="text" v-model="login.username" />
        <input type="text" v-model="login.password" />
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>

export default {
  middleware: "auth",
  data() {
    return {
      login: {},
  auth: {
    strategies: {
      local: {
        endpoints: {
          login: {
            url: `/api/auth/login`,
            method: "post",
            propertyName: "token",
          logout: { url: `/api/auth/logout`, method: "post" },
          user: {
            url: `/api/auth/user`,
            method: "get",
            propertyName: "user",
  methods: {
    async userLogin() {
      try {
        let response = await this.$auth.loginWith("local", {
          data: this.login,
      } catch (err) {

It has a login form that takes the username and password.

In the component options, we enable the auth middleware with the middleware: 'auth' property.

Then we set the auth options by adding the auth.strategies.local property to add the endpoints, we’ll make requests to.

login is used by the this.$auth.loginWith method to make requests.

auth.strategies.local optionally takes the tokenRequired and tokenType properties.

tokenRequired: false disables all token handling.

tokenType is the authorization header name to be used in Axios requests.

this.$auth.loginWith takes the strategy as the first argument and the data as the 2nd argument with the data property.

So when we submit the form, the userLogin method is called and the request to is made with the username and password in the request payload.


We can add a login form with the Nuxt and use the auth module to make the requests.