Python Answers

How to assert almost equal with Python pytest?

In Python pytest, we can assert that two floating-point numbers are almost equal using the pytest.approx() function.

This function allows we to compare floating-point numbers with a certain tolerance, which accounts for small differences due to floating-point arithmetic.

To do this were write

import pytest

def test_almost_equal():
    # Define two floating-point numbers
    x = 0.1 + 0.2
    y = 0.3

    # Assert that x is almost equal to y with a tolerance of 1e-6
    assert x == pytest.approx(y, abs=1e-6)

In this example, pytest.approx() is used to assert that x is almost equal to y with a tolerance of 1e-6 (i.e., 0.000001).

This tolerance accounts for small differences that may arise due to floating-point arithmetic.

We can adjust the abs parameter of pytest.approx() to set the desired tolerance level based on our requirements.

Alternatively, we can use the rel parameter to specify a relative tolerance instead of an absolute tolerance.

If the two values are not almost equal within the specified tolerance, the test will fail, and pytest will provide details about the assertion failure.

Python Answers

How to fix Python Seaborn plots not showing up?

If our Seaborn plots are not showing up, it could be due to various reasons. Here are some common solutions to fix this issue:

1. Show the Plots

Make sure to call or after creating the Seaborn plot. This command displays the plot in a separate window.

2. Check Backend

Ensure that our backend for plotting is set up correctly. If we’re using Jupyter Notebook or IPython, we can try running %matplotlib inline or %matplotlib notebook before importing Seaborn.

  1. **Update Seaborn and Matplotlib

Make sure we’re using the latest versions of Seaborn and Matplotlib. We can update them using pip:

pip install --upgrade seaborn matplotlib

4. Check Dependencies

Ensure that all the required dependencies for Seaborn are installed. Seaborn relies on Matplotlib, so make sure Matplotlib is installed and working properly.

5. Check Plotting Code

Double-check our plotting code for any errors. Ensure that we’re passing the correct data to the Seaborn functions and specifying the plot parameters correctly.

6. Restart Kernel

If we’re using Jupyter Notebook or IPython, try restarting the kernel and rerunning our code.

7. Check Display Settings

If we’re running our code remotely or in a virtual environment, check our display settings to ensure that plots are allowed to be displayed.

8. Test with a Simple Plot

Test Seaborn with a simple plot to see if it’s a problem with our specific plot or with Seaborn in general. For example:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sns.scatterplot(x=[1, 2, 3], y=[4, 5, 6])

If none of these solutions work, provide more details about our environment and the specific code we’re using so that I can offer more targeted assistance.

Python Answers

How to append to an empty DataFrame in Python Pandas?

To append data to an empty DataFrame in Python Pandas, we can use the append() method.

To do this we write:

import pandas as pd

# Create an empty DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Column1', 'Column2'])

# Create a dictionary with data to append
data_to_append = {'Column1': [1, 2, 3],
                  'Column2': ['A', 'B', 'C']}

# Append the data to the empty DataFrame
df = df.append(data_to_append, ignore_index=True)


This will output:

   Column1 Column2
0        1       A
1        2       B
2        3       C

In this example, we first create an empty DataFrame df with specified column names.

We then create a dictionary data_to_append with the data we want to append to the DataFrame.

Finally, we use the append() method to append the data to the empty DataFrame df, passing ignore_index=True to reset the index of the resulting DataFrame. This ensures that the index starts from 0.

Make sure that the columns in the dictionary match the columns in the DataFrame.

Python Answers

How do you extract a column from a multi-dimensional array with Python?

We can extract a column from a multi-dimensional array in Python using array slicing or indexing, depending on the type of array we are using.

Here are two common ways to do it:

1. Using NumPy arrays:

If we are working with NumPy arrays, we can use array slicing or indexing to extract a column. Here’s how we can do it:

import numpy as np

# Create a 2D NumPy array
array_2d = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
                     [4, 5, 6],
                     [7, 8, 9]])

# Extract the second column (index 1)
column = array_2d[:, 1]

print("Extracted column:", column)


Extracted column: [2 5 8]

In this example, array_2d[:, 1] extracts the second column (index 1) from the 2D NumPy array array_2d.

2. Using nested lists:

If we are working with nested lists, we can use list comprehension or loops to extract a column.

To do this we write

# Create a 2D nested list
nested_list = [[1, 2, 3],
               [4, 5, 6],
               [7, 8, 9]]

# Extract the second column (index 1)
column = [row[1] for row in nested_list]

print("Extracted column:", column)


Extracted column: [2, 5, 8]

In this example, [row[1] for row in nested_list] extracts the second element (index 1) from each sublist in the nested list nested_list.

Choose the appropriate method based on whether we are working with NumPy arrays or nested lists.

If we are dealing with numerical data and plan to perform mathematical operations, using NumPy arrays is recommended for better performance and convenience.

Python Answers

How to get http headers in Python flask?

In Flask, we can access HTTP headers using the request.headers object.

To do this we write

from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    # Get the headers from the request
    headers = request.headers

    # Print or process the headers
    print("Headers:", headers)

    # You can access specific headers using their keys
    user_agent = headers.get('User-Agent')
    print("User-Agent:", user_agent)

    return "Check the console for headers."

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this example, request.headers contains all the headers sent in the HTTP request.

We can access specific headers using their keys, such as User-Agent, Content-Type, etc.

And we can also iterate over request.headers to access all headers if needed.

When we run this Flask app and make a request to the / route, it will print the headers in the console, and you can process them as needed.