JavaScript React

Built-in React Hooks — useCallback, useMemo and Refs

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useImperativeHandle customizes the instance value that’s exposed to parent components when using a ref .

For example, we can use it as follows:

function Button(props, ref) {  
  const buttonRef = React.useRef();  
  React.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({  
    focus: () => {  
  return <button ref={buttonRef}>Button</button>;  
Button = React.forwardRef(Button);

function App() {  
  const buttonRef = React.useRef(null);  
  React.useEffect(() => {  
  }, []);  
  return (  
      <Button ref={buttonRef} />  

In the code above, we have:

React.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({  
    focus: () => {  

to customize the focus method to call buttonRef.current.focus(); .

Then we pass buttonRef in Button to the button ‘s ref as follows:

<button ref={buttonRef}>Button</button>;

Then to make the ref accessible to App , we run:

Button = React.forwardRef(Button);

Then in App , we run:

const buttonRef = React.useRef(null);

to create the ref and:

<Button ref={buttonRef} />

to set buttonRef to our exposed Button ‘s buttonRef after calling forwardRef to expose it to App .

Then we run:

React.useEffect(() => {  
  }, []);

to focus the Button component’s button when App first renders.


We can use the useCallback hook to return a memoized callback, which we can call. It takes a callback as an argument and an array of dependencies that were referenced in the callback as the second argument.

useMemo caches values that are computed. It takes a function that returns a value as the first argument, and an array of values that the function depends on as the second argument.

useRef returns a mutable object whose current property is initialized to the initial value and can be passed into the ref prop of an element to set current to the DOM element.

useImperativeHandle customizes the behavior of the DOM element methods of the element that’s exposed via forwardRef to the parent component.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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