
How to select an element that has a certain class with CSS?

To select an element with a certain class using CSS, you can use the class selector, which is denoted by a dot (.) followed by the class name. Here’s how you can select an element with a specific class:

/* Selects all elements with the class 'example' */
.example {
  /* Your styles here */

.example selects all elements with the class example. You can replace example with the name of the class you want to target.

We can also combine class selectors with other selectors for more specific targeting. For example:

/* Selects all <div> elements with the class 'example' */
div.example {
  /* Your styles here */

/* Selects all elements with the class 'example' that are descendants of elements with the class 'container' */
.container .example {
  /* Your styles here */

These examples demonstrate how you can use CSS class selectors to target elements with specific classes and apply styles to them.


How to add line break using only CSS?

We can add line breaks using CSS by utilizing the ::after or ::before pseudo-elements along with the content property. Here’s an example of how to add a line break using CSS:

For instance we write

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Line Break using CSS</title>
    /* Define a class for adding line break */
    .line-break::after {
        content: "\A"; /* Use "\A" to represent a line break */
        white-space: pre; /* Preserve white space */

<!-- Apply the line-break class to add a line break -->
<div class="line-break">This is a line<br>with a line break added using CSS.</div>


We define a CSS class .line-break::after and use the content property to insert a line break represented by \A. This special character represents a line break in CSS content.

Also we use white-space: pre; to preserve white space and ensure the line break behaves as expected.

Then we apply the .line-break class to an element, it will insert a line break after the content of that element.

Please note that this method is mainly used for adding line breaks in specific cases where you cannot modify the HTML structure directly, and it may not be suitable for all situations. In most cases, it’s better to use HTML markup like <br> tags to indicate line breaks.


How to add a one-way transition with CSS?

Sometimes, we want to add a one-way transition with CSS. In this article, we’ll look at how to add a one-way transition with CSS.

In CSS, you can create one-way transitions using the transition property. A one-way transition is typically applied when an element undergoes a change in its style, such as when it’s hovered over or clicked on, and you want to specify how it transitions from one state to another.

Here’s a basic example of how to add a one-way transition using CSS:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>One-Way Transition</title>
    /* Define the initial styles for the element */
    .box {
        width: 100px;
        height: 100px;
        background-color: blue;
        transition: width 0.5s ease-out; /* Specify the transition property, duration, and easing */

    /* Define the styles for when the element is hovered over */
    .box:hover {
        width: 200px; /* Change the width on hover */

<div class="box"></div>


In this example we have a .box div element with initial styles (blue background color and 100×100 dimensions).

Next we’ve added a transition on the width property, specifying a duration of 0.5s and an easing function of ease-out. This transition will be applied when the width property changes.

When you hover over the .box element, its width changes to 200px due to the .box:hover selector. The transition specified in the initial .box style is applied here, causing the width to smoothly transition from 100px to 200px.

We can adjust the properties being transitioned, the duration, and the easing function according to your specific needs.


How to select parent element with CSS?

Sometimes, we want to select parent element with CSS.

In this article, we’ll look at how to select parent element with CSS.

How to select parent element with CSS?

To select parent element with CSS, we can use the has pseudo-class.

For instance, we write

li:has(> {
  /* styles to apply to the li tag */

to select the li that has the anchor element that has the active class.

We use > to get the direct children.


To select parent element with CSS, we can use the has pseudo-class.


How to remove the space between inline or inline-block elements with CSS?

Sometimes, we want to remove the space between inline or inline-block elements with CSS.

In this article, we’ll look at how to remove the space between inline or inline-block elements with CSS.

How to remove the space between inline or inline-block elements with CSS?

To remove the space between inline or inline-block elements with CSS, we can use flexbox.

For instance, we write

  <span> Foo </span>
  <span> Bar </span>

to add a p element with 2 spans.

Then we style them by writing

p {
  display: flex;

span {
  width: 100px;
  font-size: 30px;
  color: white;
  text-align: center;

We make the p element a flex container with display: flex.

This will also remove the space between the child elements, which are the spans.

Then we style the span’s text with by changing the font size, color, and alignment.


To remove the space between inline or inline-block elements with CSS, we can use flexbox.