Book Reviews

Best Books About Javascript

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JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Therefore, if you want to be a software developer, mastering JavaScript will definitely help a lot.

Here are 3 books that are great for learning JavaScript.

JavaScript Patterns: Build Better Applications with Coding and Design Patterns

This book provides us with basic program design principles to let us organize our JavaScript code for maintainability and readability.

Common patterns are covered and they apply to many other programming languages as well.

It comes with many examples to help us learn program design in an easy to understand way.

If you want to improve your JavaScript programming skills, this is a must read book.

JavaScript for impatient programmers

This is a great book for learning the basics of JavaScript. It covers all versions of JavaScript to date from version 1 to the 2019 edition.

Therefore, it covers the latest features.

The concepts are explained simply in an easy to understand way.

Also, the examples are also very simple. Many books have examples that are hard to follow, but this book have examples that are written clearly and concisely.

If you want to learn JavaScript fast, this book is for you.

If you want to get up to date on the latest features of JavaScript, this is also a book for you.

DOM Enlightenment: Exploring JavaScript and the Modern DOM

If you want to be a front end developer, then you must read this book.

It goes the basics of DOM manipulation, which is must-learn knowledge for front end development.

We can learn how to manipulate web pages dynamically with JavaScript with this book.

This book is very concise and it’s organized better than other resources like the Mozilla Developer Network website.

The examples are also concise so that we can follow and understand them easily.

It goes from the basics to the nitty-gritty details.

Therefore, this is a great book for getting the basics of creating dynamic web pages and web apps.

These are some concise books we can learn JavaScript quickly.

If you want to become a good JavaScript developer, buy these books now.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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