Svelte is an up and coming front end framework for developing front end web apps.
It’s simple to use and lets us create results fast.
In this article, we’ll look at how to use actions to add lifecycle hooks to elements of our choice.
Actions are element level lifecycle functions. They’re useful for that needs to listen to element events like tooltips, and interfacing with third-party libraries.
For example, we can use it to make a box that bounces when we drag it as follows:
export const pannable = node => {
let x;
let y; const handleMousedown = event => {
x = event.clientX;
y = event.clientY; node.dispatchEvent(
new CustomEvent("panstart", {
detail: { x, y }
window.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMousemove);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseup);
const handleMousemove = event => {
const dx = event.clientX - x;
const dy = event.clientY - y;
x = event.clientX;
y = event.clientY; node.dispatchEvent(
new CustomEvent("panmove", {
detail: { x, y, dx, dy }
const handleMouseup = event => {
x = event.clientX;
y = event.clientY; node.dispatchEvent(
new CustomEvent("panend", {
detail: { x, y }
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMousemove);
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseup);
node.addEventListener("mousedown", handleMousedown); return {
destroy() {
node.removeEventListener("mousedown", handleMousedown);
import { spring } from "svelte/motion";
import { pannable } from "./pannable.js";
const coords = spring(
{ x: 0, y: 0 },
stiffness: 0.2,
damping: 0.4
const handlePanStart = () => {
coords.stiffness = coords.damping = 1;
const handlePanMove = event => {
coords.update($coords => ({
x: $coords.x + event.detail.dx,
y: $coords.y + event.detail.dy
const handlePanEnd = event => {
coords.stiffness = 0.2;
coords.damping = 0.4;
coords.set({ x: 0, y: 0 });
.box {
position: absolute;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: green;
cursor: move;
<div class="box"
rotate({$coords.x * 0.2}deg)"
In the code above, we created a div that listens to the pannable
‘s events. We use the pannable
action with the use:pannable
The pannable
function has all the custom events that whatever it applies to emits.
In the handleMousedown
listener of the pannable
function, we have the node
, which is the DOM node the action is attached to, and we set x
and y
with the mouse position. Then we call dispatchEvent
to emit a custom event, which is panstart
to send the x
and y
coordinates to our parent compone.t
In the handleMousemove
function, we handle mouse moves by changing the position of the box, which is node
, by using x
and y
to translate the box. Then we dispatch a custom panmove
event to the parent.
When the mouse stops moving, the handleMouseup
event handler is called, which sets x
and y
to the coordinates of the mouse. Then we dispatch the panned
event with the x
and y
When the div box is destroyed, we called node.removeListener
to remove the mousedown
listener when the box is being destroyed.
In App.svelte
, we use the x
and y
coordinates sent from pannable
to update the coordinates of the box.
When also added a bounce effect with the spring
transition that’s built into Svelte. coords
is the animation effect that’s returned from spring
. It has the x
and y
coordinates for the box, which we’ll update the location of the box as the mouse moves.
When the panstart
, panmove
, and panned
events are triggered, we set the coordinates of the box.
Because mousemove
triggers the emission of the panstart
event we set the stiffness and the damping of the animation.
triggers the panmove
event to be emitted, which changes the coordinates of the box.
Then when we stop moving the mouse and release the button, the panend
event is triggered so that handlePanEnd
is called to change the box’s coordinates back to (0, 0).
The style
attribute of the div is dynamic and depends on coords
, so the box will move as coords
changes. We also rotate the box with the angle as a function of coords
, so we’ll also see rotation.
Therefore, when we drag the box and then release the mouse button, we’ll see a bounce effect.
In Svelte, actions are functions that emit custom events. We can attach the action to an element and then listen to those custom events to manipulate the elements as we wish.