Book Reviews

JavaScript Books That are Easy to Understand

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JavaScript may be confusing for some people.

To make learning JavaScript easier, here are a few books to let make learning it easier.

The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript by Nicholas C. Zakas

This is a short book that’s focused on the ins and outs of the object oriented parts of JavaScript.

It focuses on data types, objects, constructors, and classes.

These are all the things that can trick even the most experienced developers.

This book makes learning these parts of JavaScript easy by giving us focus and explaining the concepts concisely and with simple examples.

JavaScript for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming

Programming is useful for anyone. We can get a job with prorgramming skills or we can use the skill to program our own computers.

JavaScript for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming provides us with a gentle introduction to programming that kids can understand.

Explanation of the concepts are easy to understand and simple.

The examples that are included are easy to follow and fun to try.

It’s a good book to learn JavaScript even for adults.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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