Vuetify is a popular UI framework for Vue apps.
In this article, we’ll look at how to work with the Vuetify framework.
Bottom Nav Bar Scroll Threshold
We can set the scroll-threshold
of the v-bottom-navigation
to show the navbar depending on the threshold.
For example, we can write:
<v-row class="text-center">
<v-col col="12">
<v-card class="overflow-hidden mx-auto" height="200" max-width="500">
<v-btn text color="deep-purple accent-4">
<v-btn text color="deep-purple accent-4">
<v-btn text color="deep-purple accent-4">
<v-sheet id="scroll-area" class="overflow-y-auto" max-height="600">
<v-container style="height: 1500px;"></v-container>
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
data: () => ({
activeBtn: undefined,
showNav: false,
We add the scroll-threshold
prop to set the number of pixels to scroll down until the navbar is shown.
Bottom Sheets
The bottom sheet is another container for content.
It shows at the bottom of the page.
We can add one with the v-bottom-sheet
<v-row class="text-center">
<v-col col="12">
<v-card class="overflow-hidden mx-auto" height="200" max-width="500">
<v-bottom-sheet v-model="sheet" persistent>
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
<v-btn color="green" dark v-bind="attrs" v-on="on">Open Persistent</v-btn>
<v-sheet class="text-center" height="200px">
<v-btn class="mt-6" text color="error" @click="sheet = !sheet">close</v-btn>
<div class="py-3">Lorem ipsum</div>
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
data: () => ({
sheet: false,
We add the v-bottom-sheet
component to show the sheet content when we click on the Open Persistent button.
The Open Persistent button should be in the activator
slot to let us toggle the bottom sheet.
The v-model
sets the open state of the bottom sheet.
It’ll open when it’s true
v-model Control
We can use v-model
to control the bottom sheet.
For example, we can write:
<v-row class="text-center">
<v-col col="12">
<div class="text-center">
<v-btn color="blue" dark @click="sheet = !sheet">Open v-model</v-btn>
<v-bottom-sheet v-model="sheet">
<v-sheet class="text-center" height="200px">
<v-btn class="mt-6" text color="red" @click="sheet = !sheet">close</v-btn>
<div class="py-3">Lorem ipsum</div>
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
data: () => ({
sheet: false,
We have the Open v-model button to toggle the bottom sheet.
We can add a bottom sheet to display content at the bottom of the page.
It can be toggled.