
Learn JavaScript by Implementing Lodash Methods: Unique Array Entries

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In this article, we’ll look at and learn more about JavaScript by implementing some Lodash methods in plain JavaScript, including uniq uniqBy , and uniqWith.


The Lodash uniq method creates an array without duplicate values. Only the first occurrence of each value appears in the returned array.

Since JavaScript already has the set data structure, we can use that with the spread operator to remove all the duplicates from the original array and return it.

We can implement this as follows:

const uniq = arr => [ Set(arr)]

In the code above, we just converted arr to a set to remove duplicate values and then converted it back to an array with the spread operator.

Then when we call it as follows …

const result = uniq([1, 2, 2, 3]);

… we get that result is [1, 2 ,3] .


uniqBy is like uniq except it takes an iteratee function, which is run before comparing the values for uniqueness. This means we can’t just convert it to a set. Instead, we have to run iteratee and then compare them to the existing entries in the array we return.

To do that, we implement the uniqBy in the following way:

const uniqBy = (arr, iteratee) => {
  let uniques = [];
  for (let a of arr) {
    const mappedUniques =;
    if (!mappedUniques.includes(iteratee(a))) {
  return uniques;

In the code above, we have the uniques array, which will have the array of unique entries that we’ll return.

Then we loop through arr with the for...of loop. Inside the loop, we map the uniques array with iteratee to get the mapped values.

Next, we check if each array entry is already in uniques by checking if it’s in the mappedUniques array instead of uniques since we want to compare the uniqueness after it’s been converted by the iteratee function.

If it’s not included by checking with the includes method, then we push the value into uniques.

Once the loop is finished, we return uniques. Then when we call it as follows:

const result = uniqBy([1, 2, 2.1, 3], Math.floor);

Then result is [1, 2, 3] since 2 and 2.1 are the same after calling Math.floor on them. iteratee can be any function that takes one argument and returns something derived from it.


uniqWith is like uniq except it accepts a comparator that’s run to compare the existing values that have unique values with the ones that doesn’t.

If the entry in the original array isn’t in the array with unique values, then we put it into the array with the unique values.

The array with unique values is returned in the end after checking all the values in the given array.

We can implement it as follows:

const uniqWith = (arr, comparator) => {
  let uniques = [];
  for (let a of arr) {
    if (uniques.findIndex(u => comparator(a, u)) === -1) {
  return uniques;

In the code above, we have:

uniques.findIndex(u => comparator(a, u)) === -1

This checks to see if the items in uniques are the same as the array entry that we’re looping through. If it isn’t (as indicated by the return value -1), then we put it in uniques.

When the loop is done, we return uniques.

Then we run it as follows:

const result = uniqWith([1, 2, 2.1, 3], (a, b) => Math.floor(a) === Math.floor(b));

From this, we get [1, 2, 3] as the value of result since our comparator determines that if the floor of both values is the same, then they’re the same. The comparator function has to take two arguments with the two values to compare.


The uniq Lodash method can easily be implemented with plain JavaScript sets and the spread operator

uniqBy is a bit harder to implement since we need to map the values with the iteratee function that’s passed in before we can compare them for uniqueness.

uniqWith is similar to uniqBy in that we have to run the comparator function to compare the values to determine if the items are unique.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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