React Projects

Create a Palindrome Checker with React and JavaScript

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React is an easy to use JavaScript framework that lets us create front end apps.

In this article, we’ll look at how to create a palindrome checker with React and JavaScript.

Create the Project

We can create the React project with Create React App.

To install it, we run:

npx create-react-app palindrome-checker

with NPM to create our React project.

Create the Palindrome Checker

To create the palindrome checker, we write:

import React, { useMemo, useState } from "react";

export default function App() {
  const [word, setWord] = useState("");

  const isPalindrome = useMemo(() => {
    return word === word.split("").reverse().join("");
  }, [word]);

  return (
    <div className="App">
          <label>word to check</label>
          <input value={word} onChange={(e) => setWord(} />
      <div>Is Palindrome:{isPalindrome ? "Yes" : "No"}</div>

We have the word state which we bind to the input with the value and onChange props.

We set the value of it with the onChange prop, which has a function that calls setWord with . has the inputted value.

Next, we create the isPalindrome variable with the useMemo hook.

The first argument of it is a callback that returns the comparison between word and the reversed word.

We reverse word with word.split to split the word into an array of characters.

Then we call reverse to reverse the character array.

And we call join to join the character array back to a string again.

In the 2nd argument, we pass in an array with the word entry so that the returned value in the callback in the 1st argument is updated whenever word changes.

In the form, we show the input and the value is isPalindrome to the user.


We can create a palindrome checker with React and JavaScript.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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