JavaScript Answers

How to Detect Clicks into an Iframe Using JavaScript?

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Sometimes, we want to check if a user clicked into an iframe using JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to detect clicks into an iframe with JavaScript.

Focus on the Main Window Then Add a blur Event Listener to the Window

We can focus on the main window and then add a blur event listener to the window to see which element is activated after the blur event is emitted by the window.

For instance, if we have the following iframe:

<iframe src=''>


Then we can focus on on the window and add a blur listener to it by writing:

const listener = window.addEventListener('blur', () => {
  if (document.activeElement === document.querySelector('iframe')) {
    console.log('clicked on iframe')
  window.removeEventListener('blur', listener);

We call focus to focus on the main window.

Then we call window.addEventListener to add a blur event listener to the window.

In the event listener, we check if document.activeElement is the iframe to check if the iframe is the element that we focused on.

If it is, then we log a message.

Then we immediately remove the blur event listener after that.

Now when we click on the iframe, we should see the ‘clicked on iframe’ message logged.


We can detect clicks in an iframe with JavaScript by listening to the blur event on the window.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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