JavaScript Answers

How to Get All Attributes of an Element Using JavaScript or jQuery?

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We can get all attributes of an element with JavaScript by using the node.attributes property.

For instance, if we have the following HTML:

<div style='color: red' class="myDiv" id="myDiv">


Then we can write:

const node = document.querySelector('div')
const attributeNodeArray = [...node.attributes];

const attrs = attributeNodeArray.reduce((attrs, attribute) => {
  attrs[] = attribute.value;
  return attrs;
}, {});

to get all the attributes of the div into an object.

We spread the node.attributes object into an array.

Then we call reduce on the array to add all the property with attribute.value into the attrs object with the callback

We return attrs in the callback.

In the 2nd argument, we pass in an empty object to set that as the value of attrs .

Therefore, attrs is:

{style: "color: red", class: "myDiv", id: "myDiv"}

Get All Attributes of an Element Using jQuery

We can use the jQuery each method to loop through all the attributes and the attribute name as the property name and the attribute value as the value of the property.

To do this, we write:

const [node] = $('div')
const attrs = {}
$.each(node.attributes, (index, attribute) => {
  attrs[] = attribute.value;

We destructure the div returned from the $ function.

Then we create the empty attrs object.

Next, we call each with node.attrbiutes to loop through all the attributes.

And in the callback, we populate attrs with as the property name and attribute.value as the property value.

And we get the same result as before.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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