JavaScript Answers

How to Paste Text as Plain Text into a Content Editable Element with JavaScript?

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We can paste plain text into a content editable element by listening to the paste event and modifying the pasting behavior.

For instance, if we have the following div:

<div contenteditable>


Then we can modify the paste behavior by listening to the paste event:

const editor = document.querySelector('div')
editor.addEventListener("paste", (e) => {
  const text = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
  document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, text);

We get the div with document.querySelector .

Then we listen to the paste event with addEventListener .

We pass in a callback that calls e.preventDefault to stop the default paste behavior.

Then we get the pasted text with the e.clipboard.getData method.

We pass in 'text/plain' to get the pasted data as plain text.

And then we call document.execCommand to run the insertHTML command with the text to paste it into the editor div as plain text.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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