Sometimes, we want to use the clsx
Library to set class names dynamically in React.
In this article, we’ll look at how to use the clsx
Library to set class names dynamically in React.
Use the Clsx Library to Set Class Names Dynamically in React
To use the clsx
Library to set class names dynamically in React, we call the clsx
function with an object that has the class names as the property names.
And the values of the properties would be the condition of which the class names will be applied.
For instance, we can write:
import clsx from "clsx";
import React from "react";
const menuStyle = clsx({
root: true,
menuOpen: false
export default function App() {
return <div className={menuStyle}></div>;
We call clsx
root: true,
menuOpen: false
to add the root
class and skip the menuOpen
We pass the returned string as the value of the className
prop to set the class names.
To use the clsx
Library to set class names dynamically in React, we call the clsx
function with an object that has the class names as the property names.
And the values of the properties would be the condition of which the class names will be applied.