To sort or order keys in JavaScript objects, we can use the Object.keys
method to get the keys of the object in a string array.
Then we call sort
on the array to sort the string keys.
And then we use the reduce
method to reconstruct the object with the sorted keys and return it.
For instance, we can write:
const notSorted = {
b: false,
a: true
const sorted = Object.keys(notSorted)
.reduce((acc, key) => ({
[key]: notSorted[key]
}), {})
to sort the keys of the notSorted
object by alphabetical order.
Then we call Object.keys
with it to get the keys in a string array.
Next, we call sort
in the returned array to sort the keys.
Then we call reduce
with a callback to merge the items of the acc
object which has the reconstructed so far.
And we put the key
with the notSorted
property value of the given key
as its value.
In the 2nd argument, we pass in an empty object to initialize acc
to an empty object.
Therefore, sorted
{a: true, b: false}