
Manipulating Dates with Day.js — Add or Subtract a Given Amount of Time

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Day.js is a JavaScript library that lets us manipulate dates in our apps.

In this article, we’ll look at how to use Day.js to manipulate dates in our JavaScript apps.

Add or Subtract a Given Amount of Time

We can add a given amount of time to our Day.js date object with the add method.

For instance, we can write:

const dayjs = require("dayjs");  
const result = dayjs().add(7, "day");  

to add 7 days to the current date-time.

We call the add method with one of 'year' , 'month' , 'date' , 'hour' , 'minute' , 'second' , and 'millisecond' unit values as the first argument.

The 2nd argument is the value to set.

The month starts with 0 for January just like JavaScript dates.

There’re also shorthands for each argument string.

'y' is shorthand for 'year' .

'M' is shorthand for 'month' .

'D' is shorthand for 'date' .

'd' is shorthand for 'day' , which is the day of the week. It starts at 0 for Sunday, and 6 is Saturday.

'h' is shorthand for 'hour' .

'm' is shorthand for 'minute' .

's' is shorthand for 'second' .

And 'ms' is shorthand for 'millisecond' .

We can replace add with subtract and keep the same arguments to subtract a given amount of time.


Day.js is a JavaScript library that lets us manipulate dates in our apps.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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