
Using Generators in JavaScript

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In JavaScript, generators are special functions that return a generator object. The generator object contains the next value of an iterable object. It’s used for letting us iterate through a collection of objects by using the generator function in a for...of loop. This means the generator function returned conforms to the iterable protocol.

Synchronous Generators

Anything that conforms to the iterable protocol can be iterated through by a for...of loop. Objects like Array or Map conform to this protocol. Generator functions also conform to the iterator protocol. This means that it produces a sequence of values in a standard way. It implements the next function which returns an object at least 2 properties — done and value. The done property is a boolean value that returns true with the iterator is past the end of the iterate sequence. If it can produce the next item in the sequence, then it’s false. value is the item returned by the iterator. If done is true then value can be omitted. The next method always returns an object with the 2 properties above. If non-object values are returned then TypeError will be thrown.

To write a generator function, we use the following code:

function* strGen() {
  yield 'a';
  yield 'b';
  yield 'c';

const g = strGen();
for (let letter of g){

The asterisk after the function keyword denotes that the function is a generator function. Generator functions will only return generator objects. With generator functions, the next function is generated automatically. A generator also has a return function to return the given value and end the generator, and a throw function to throw an error and also end the generator unless the error is caught within the generator. To return the next value from a generator, we use the yield keyword. Each time a yield statement is called, the generator is paused until the next value is requested again.

When the above example is execute, we get ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ logged because the generator is run in the for...of loop. Each time it’s run the next yield statement is called, returning the next value from the list of the yield statements.

We can also write a generator that generates infinite values. We can have an infinite loop inside the generator to keep returning new values. Because the yield statement doesn’t run until the next value is requested, we can keep an infinite loop running without crashing the browser. For example, we can write:

function* genNum() {
  let index = 0;
    yield index += 2;

const gen = genNum();

As you can see, we can use a loop to repeatedly run yield. The yield statement must be run at the top level of the code. That means they can’t be nested inside another callback functions. The next function is automatically included with the generator object that is yielded to get the next value from the generator.

The return method is called when the iterator ends. That is, when the last value is obtained or when an error is thrown with the thrown method. If we don’t want it to end, we can wrap the yield statements within the try...finally clause like in the following code:

function* genFn(){
  try {
  } finally {
    yield 'Keep running';

When the throw method is called when running the generator, the error will stop the generator unless the error is caught within the generator function. To catch, throw, and catch the error we can write something like the following code:

function* genFn() {
  try {
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Caught: ${error}`);

const g = genFn();;
g.throw(new Error('Error'))

As you can see, if we run the code above, we can see that ‘Start’ is logged when the first line is run since we’re just getting the first value from the generator object, which is the line. Then the g.throw(new Error('Error')) line is run which throws an error, which is logged inside the catch clause.

With generator functions, we can also call other generator functions inside it with the yield* keyword. The following example won’t work:

function* genFn() {
  yield 'a'

function* genFnToCallgenFn() {
  while (true) {
    yield genFn();

const g = genFnToCallgenFn()

As you can see, if we run the code above, the value property logged is the generator function, which isn’t what we want. This is because the yield keyword did not retrieve values from other generators directly. This is where the yield* keyword is useful. If we replace yield genFn(); with yield* genFn();, then the values from the generator returned by genFn will be retrieved. In this case, it will keep getting the string ‘a’. For example, if we instead run the following code:

function* genFn() {
  yield 'a'

function* genFnToCallgenFn() {
  while (true) {
    yield* genFn();

const g = genFnToCallgenFn()

We will see that the value property in both objects logged has the value property set to ‘a’.

With generators, we can write an iterative method to recursively traverse a tree with little effort. For example, we can write the following:

class Tree {
  constructor(value, left=null, center=null, right=null) {
    this.value = value;
    this.left = left; = center;
    this.right = right;

  *[Symbol.iterator]() {
    yield this.value;
    if (this.left) {
      yield* this.left;
    if ( {
    if (this.right) {
      yield* this.right;

In the code above, the only method we have is a generator which returns the left, center, and right node of the current node of the tree. Note that we used the yield* keyword instead of yield because JavaScript classes are generator functions, and our class is a generator function since we have the special function denoted by the Symbol.iterator symbol, which means that the class will create a generator.

Symbols are new to ES2015. It is a unique and immutable identifier. Once you created it, it cannot be copied. Every time you create a new Symbol, it is a unique one. It’s mainly used for unique identifiers in an object. It’s a Symbol’s only purpose.

There are some static properties and methods of its own that expose the global symbol registry. It is like a built-in object, but it doesn’t have a constructor, so we can’t write new Symbol to construct a Symbol object with the new keyword.

Symbol.iterator is a special symbol that denotes that the function is an iterator. It’s built in to the JavaScript standard library.

If we have the define following code, then we can built the tree data structure:

const tree = new Tree('a',
  new Tree('b',
    new Tree('c'),
    new Tree('d'),
    new Tree('e')
  new Tree('f'),
  new Tree('g',
    new Tree('h'),
    new Tree('i'),
    new Tree('j')

Then when we run:

for (const str of tree) {

We get all the values of the tree logged in the same order that we defined it. Defining recursive data structures is much easier than without generator functions.

We can mix yield and yield* in one generator function. For example, we can write:

function* genFn() {
  yield 'a'

function* genFnToCallgenFn() {
  yield 'Start';
  while (true) {
    yield* genFn();

const g = genFnToCallgenFn()

If we run the code above, we get ‘Start’ as the value property of the first item returned by Then the other items logged all have ‘a’ as the value property.

We can also use the return statement to return the last value that you want to return from the iterator. It acts exactly like the last yield statement in a generator function. For example, we can write:

function* genFn() {
  yield 'a';
  return 'result';
const g = genFn()

If we look at the console log, we can see that the first 2 lines we logged returned ‘a’ in the value property, and ‘result’ in the value property in the first 2 console.log lines. Then the remaining one has undefined as the value. The first console.log has done set to false, while the rest have done set to true. This is because the return statement ended the generator function’s execution. Anything below it is unreachable like a regular return statement.

Asynchronous Generators

Generators can also be used for asynchronous code. To make a generator function for asynchronous code, we can create an object with a method denoted with the special symbol Symbol.asyncIterator function. For example, we can write the following code to loop through a range of numbers, separating each iteration by 1 second:

const rangeGen = (from = 1, to = 5) => {
  return {
    [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
      return {
        currentNum: this.from,
        async next() {
          await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(
            resolve, 1000));

          if (this.currentNum <= this.lastNum) {
            return {
              done: false,
              value: this.currentNum++
          } else {
            return {
              done: true


(async () => {
  for await (let value of rangeGen()) {

Note that the value that promise resolves to are in the return statements. The next function should always returns a promise. We can iterate through the values generated by the generator by using the for await...of loop, which works for iterating through asynchronous code. This is very useful since can loop through asynchronous code as if was synchronous code, which couldn’t be done before we had asynchronous generators function and the async and await syntax. We return an object with the done and value properties as with synchronous generators.

We can shorten the code above by writing:

async function* rangeGen(start = 1, end = 5) {
  for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    yield i;

(async () => {
  for await (let value of rangeGen(1, 10)) {

Note that we can use the yield operator with async and await. A promise is still returned at the end of rangeGen, but this is a much shorter way to do it. It does the exact same thing that the previous code did, but it’s much shorter and easier to read.

Generator functions are very useful for creating iterators that can be used with a for...of loop. The yield statement will get the next value that will be returned by the iterator from any source of your choice. This means that we can turn anything into an iterable object. Also, we can use it to iterate through tree structures by defining a class with a method denoted by the Symbol Symbol.iterator, which creates a generator function that gets the items in the next level with the yield* keyword, which gets an item from the generator function directly. Also, we have the return statement to return the last item in the generator function. For asynchronous code we have AsyncIterators, which we can define by using async, await, and yield as we did above to resolve promises sequentially.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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