JavaScript Answers

How to Check if Any Div Contain a Word with JavaScript?

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Sometimes, we want to check if any div contains a word with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to check if a any div contains a word with JavaScript.

Check if Any div Contains a Word with JavaScript

To check if a div contains a word with JavaScript, we can select all the divs and then loop through them with the for-of loop.

Then we can get the text content of each div in the loop body using the textContent property.

And then we can check if the div includes the text we’re looking for with the JavaScript string’s includes method.

For instance, if we have:

<div class='titanic'>
<div class='titanic'>
<div class='titanic'>

Then we can check which div has the word ‘bar’ in it by writing:

const divs = document.querySelectorAll('div')
for (const d of divs) {
  if (d.textContent.includes('bar')) {
    console.log('has bar')

We select all the divs and assign it to divs with:

const divs = document.querySelectorAll('div')

Then we loop through the node list object we assigned to divs by writing:

for (const d of divs) {
  if (d.textContent.includes('bar')) {
    console.log('has bar')

We get the text content of each div with d.textContent.

Then we call includes with 'bar' to check if the text content of the div includes 'bar'.

If that’s true, we log 'has bar'.

Therefore, we should see 'has bar' logged once in the console since ‘bar’ appears in one div.


To check if a div contains a word with JavaScript, we can select all the divs and then loop through them with the for-of loop.

Then we can get the text content of each div in the loop body using the textContent property.

And then we can check if the div includes the text we’re looking for with the JavaScript string’s includes method.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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