JavaScript Answers

How to Convert RGB Color Code to Hex with JavaScript?

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Sometimes, we want to convert RGB color code to hex with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to convert RGB color code to hex with JavaScript.

Convert RGB Color Code to Hex with JavaScript

To convert RGB color code to hex with JavaScript, we can get the RGB number values with the JavaScript string match method.

Then we can match each value to the corresponding hex number and join them together with the JavaScript string’s join method.

For instance, we write:

const RGBtoHEX = (color) => {
  return "#" + [...color.match(/\b(\d+)\b/g)]
    .map((digit) => {
      return parseInt(digit)
        .padStart(2, '0')

console.log(RGBtoHEX('rgb(0, 70, 255)'))

We call color.match with /\b(\d+)\b/g to match the RGB color values from the color syring.

Then we use the spread operator to spread the returned results into an array.

Next, we call map with a callback to parse the numbers into integers, then we convert then to hex strings with toString and 16 as its argument.

Then we call padStart to pad the returned string with a zero to make its length 2.

Finally, we call join to join the mapped strings together.

Therefore, the console log should show "#0046ff".


To convert RGB color code to hex with JavaScript, we can get the RGB number values with the JavaScript string match method.

Then we can match each value to the corresponding hex number and join them together with the JavaScript string’s join method.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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