JavaScript Answers

How to remove chars between indexes in a JavaScript string?

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Sometimes, we want to remove chars between indexes in a JavaScript string.

In this article, we’ll look at how to remove chars between indexes in a JavaScript string.

How to remove chars between indexes in a JavaScript string?

To remove chars between indexes in a JavaScript string, we can use the JavaScript string substr method.

For instance, we write:

const s = "hi how are you";
const startIndex = 2;
const endIndex = 6;
const newS = s.substr(0, startIndex) + s.substr(endIndex);

We want to remove the characters of s between startIndex and endIndex exclusive.

To do this, we call substr with 0 and startIndex to get the part of s between index 0 and startIndex - 1.

And then we call substr again with endIndex to return the part of s between endIndex and the end of the s.

Finally, we concatenate them together and assign it to newS.

Therefore, newS is 'hi are you'.


To remove chars between indexes in a JavaScript string, we can use the JavaScript string substr method.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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