JavaScript Answers

How to merge 2 JavaScript objects, populating the properties in one if they don’t exist in the other?

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Sometimes, we want to merge 2 JavaScript objects, populating the properties in one if they don’t exist in the other.

In this article, we’ll look at how to merge 2 JavaScript objects, populating the properties in one if they don’t exist in the other.

How to merge 2 JavaScript objects, populating the properties in one if they don’t exist in the other?

To merge 2 JavaScript objects, populating the properties in one if they don’t exist in the other, we can use some object methods.

For instance, we write:

const a = {
  'foo': 'bar',
  'baz': 'bat'
const b = {
  'foo': 'quux'
const entries = Object.entries(a).filter(([key]) => Object.keys(a).includes(key))

const filteredA = Object.fromEntries(entries)
const c = {

to make a copy of b and merge the properties that aren’t in b into a and assign the merged object to c.

To do this, we call Object.enttries with a to return a nested array with all the key-value pairs.

Then we call filter on the returned array with a callback that returns an array of key-value pairs that are only in a.

Next, we call Object.fromEntries to converted the nested key-value pair array back to an object.

Finally, we merge b and filteredA into c.

Therefore, c is:

  baz: "bat",
  foo: "bar"


To merge 2 JavaScript objects, populating the properties in one if they don’t exist in the other, we can use some object methods.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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