JavaScript Answers

How to return a substring from a string to the end using JavaScript?

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Sometimes, we want to return a substring from a string to the end using JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to return a substring from a string to the end using JavaScript.

How to return a substring from a string to the end using JavaScript?

To return a substring from a string to the end using JavaScript, we can use some string methods.

For instance, we write:

const strIn = 'http://localhost/40ATV/dashboard.php?page_id=projeto_lista&lista_tipo=equipe';
const searchTerm = '/dashboard.php?';
const searchIndex = strIn.indexOf(searchTerm);
const strOut = strIn.substr(searchIndex + searchTerm.length);

to get substring from strIn after '/dashboard.php?'.

To do this, we get the index of the first character of searchTerm with strIn.indexOf(searchTerm).

Then we call strIn.substr with searchIndex + searchTerm.length to return a substring from strIn starting from index searchIndex + searchTerm.length + 1 to the end of the string.

Therefore, strOut is 'page_id=projeto_lista&lista_tipo=equipe '.


To return a substring from a string to the end using JavaScript, we can use some string methods.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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