Vue Answers

How to call a function as soon as the cursor moves from one text box to next in Vue.js?

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Sometimes, we want to call a function as soon as the cursor moves from one text box to next in Vue.js.

In this article, we’ll look at how to call a function as soon as the cursor moves from one text box to next in Vue.js.

How to call a function as soon as the cursor moves from one text box to next in Vue.js?

To call a function as soon as the cursor moves from one text box to next in Vue.js, we can listen to the blur event.

For instance, we write

  <div id="app">
    <input @blur="handleBlur" placeholder="first name" />
    <input @blur="handleBlur" placeholder="last name" />

to listen to the blur event and run the handleBlur method if the event is triggered with



To call a function as soon as the cursor moves from one text box to next in Vue.js, we can listen to the blur event.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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