Python Answers

How to pass data from Python Flask to JavaScript in a template?

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Sometimes, we want to pass data from Python Flask to JavaScript in a template.

In this article, we’ll look at how to pass data from Python Flask to JavaScript in a template.

How to pass data from Python Flask to JavaScript in a template?

To pass data from Python Flask to JavaScript in a template, we can use the tojson filter.

For instance, we write

      var myGeocode = {{ geocode|tojson }};
    <p>Hello World</p>
    <button onclick="console.log(myGeocode[0], myGeocode[1])" />

to convert the geocode dictionary to JSON and assign it to myGeocode .

And then we use myGeocode as an object within our JavaScript code.


To pass data from Python Flask to JavaScript in a template, we can use the tojson filter.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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