Python Answers

How to download a csv file on clicking a button with Python Flask?

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Sometimes, we want to download a csv file on clicking a button with Python Flask.

in this article, we’ll look at how to download a csv file on clicking a button with Python Flask.

How to download a csv file on clicking a button with Python Flask?

To download a csv file on clicking a button with Python Flask, we can add a link that goes to the view that returns the csv as the response.

For instance, we write

from flask import Flask, Response
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return '''
            <a href="/get_csv">Click me.</a>

def get_csv():
    csv = '1,2,3\n4,5,6\n'
    return Response(
                 "attachment; filename=myplot.csv"})

to create the hello route that renders the HTML with the link.

Then add the get_csv view that returns the csv as the response by creating a Response object with mimetype set to 'text/csv' and the csv as the content.

Now when we click on the link, the csv should be downloaded as myplot.csv.


To download a csv file on clicking a button with Python Flask, we can add a link that goes to the view that returns the csv as the response.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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