Python Answers

How to convert a .py to .exe for Python?

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Sometimes, we want to convert a .py to .exe for Python.

In this article, we’ll look at how to convert a .py to .exe for Python.

How to convert a .py to .exe for Python?

To convert a .py to .exe for Python, we can use the cx_Freeze and idna packages.

To install them, we .run

pip install cx_Freeze
pip install idna

Then we create a file to convert a script to an exe file by writing

from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

base = None    

executables = [Executable("", base=base)]

packages = ["idna"]
options = {
    'build_exe': {    

    name = "<any name>",
    options = options,
    version = "<any number>",
    description = '<any description>',
    executables = executables

We use

executables = [Executable("", base=base)]

convert into an executable.

And then we add some options in options.

Next, we call setup with some arguments for the info for our executable to convert into an exe.


To convert a .py to .exe for Python, we can use the cx_Freeze and idna packages.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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