Python Answers

How to test whether a Numpy array contains a given row with Python?

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Sometimes, we want to test whether a Numpy array contains a given row with Python.

In this article, we’ll look at how to test whether a Numpy array contains a given row with Python.

How to test whether a Numpy array contains a given row with Python?

To test whether a Numpy array contains a given row with Python, we can use the tolist method.

For instance, we write

a = np.array([[1,2],[10,20],[100,200]])
in_list = [1, 2] in a.tolist()

to create an array with nested lists with np.array.

Then we can check if [1, 2] is in the list that’s returned by a.tolist which converts the NumPy array a back to to the original nested list.

And finally, we use the in operator to check if [1, 2] is in the nested list returned by tolist which should return True since [1, 2] is in the original list that we used to create the a array.


To test whether a Numpy array contains a given row with Python, we can use the tolist method.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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