Python Answers

How to use method overloading in Python?

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Sometimes, we want to use method overloading in Python.

In this article, we’ll look at how to use method overloading in Python.

How to use method overloading in Python?

To use method overloading in Python, we can use the pythonlangutil module.

To install it, we run

pip install pythonlangutil==0.1

Then we can use it by writing

from pythonlangutil.overload import Overload, signature

class A:
    def foo(self):    
        print('first method')

    def foo(self, i):
        print('second method', i)

to define the class A with 2 foo methods.

This is possible since we have the decorators provided by pythonlangutil called to modify the methods.

The original foo method has the Overload and signature decorators called on it.

And then 2nd foo method had the foo.overload decorator and the signature decorators called it.

We call signature with 'int' to make sure i is an int.


To use method overloading in Python, we can use the pythonlangutil module.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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