Sometimes, we want to get the string representation of a DOM node with JavaScript.
In this article, we’ll look at how to get the string representation of a DOM node with JavaScript.
How to get the string representation of a DOM node with JavaScript?
To get the string representation of a DOM node with JavaScript, we can use the outerHTML
For instance, we write
const el = document.createElement("p");
const tmp = document.createElement("div");
to create the p element with createElement
And then we call appendChild
to append a text node as its last child to it that we created with createTextNode
Then we create the tmp
element with `createElement.
And then we call tmp.appendChild
to append the p element el
as the last child of it.
Finally, we get the HTML string version of tmp
with tmp.outerHTML
To get the string representation of a DOM node with JavaScript, we can use the outerHTML