Sometimes, we want to get the row count of a HTML table with JavaScript.
In this article, we’ll look at how to get the row count of a HTML table with JavaScript.
How to get the row count of a HTML table with JavaScript?
To get the row count of a HTML table with JavaScript, we can use the rows
For instance, we write
<table id="tableId">
<td>Row 1</td>
<td>Row 2</td>
<td>Row 3</td>
to add a table.
Then we write
const table = document.getElementById("tableId");
const totalRowCount = table.rows.length;
const tbodyRowCount = table.tBodies[0].rows.length;
to select the table with getElementById
Then we use table.rows.length
to get a node list of all tr elements in the table.
We use tBodies[0]
to get the first tbody element in the table.
And we use rows
to get all tr elements in the tbody element.
We get the count of each with length
To get the row count of a HTML table with JavaScript, we can use the rows