Sometimes, we want to insert HTML at caret in a contenteditable div with JavaScript.
In this article, we’ll look at how to insert HTML at caret in a contenteditable div with JavaScript.
How to insert HTML at caret in a contenteditable div with JavaScript?
To insert HTML at caret in a contenteditable div with JavaScript, we c an use the execCommand
For instance, we write
<iframe id="editor" src="contenu_editor_wysiwyg.php"> </iframe>
to add an iframe.
Then we write
const editor = document.getElementById("editor");
editor.contentDocument.designMode = "on";
editor.contentWindow.document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, "<br />");
to get the editor with getElementById
And then we set designMode
to 'on'
so that we can insert HTML.
Then we insert the HTML at the caret of the iframe’s document by calling execuCommand
with 'insertHTML'
and the HTML to add.
To insert HTML at caret in a contenteditable div with JavaScript, we c an use the execCommand