Sometimes, we want to extract parameter value from URL using regular expressions and JavaScript.
In this article, we’ll look at how to extract parameter value from URL using regular expressions and JavaScript.
How to extract parameter value from URL using regular expressions and JavaScript?
To extract parameter value from URL using regular expressions and JavaScript, we use the regex match
For instance, we write
const regex = /http\:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([\w-]{11})/;
const url = "";
const [, id] = url.match(regex);
to call url.match
with the regex
that has a capture group ([\w-]{11})
to get the value of the v
query parameter.
Then we call url.match
with regex
to return an array with the video’s id
as the 2nd value of the array.
To extract parameter value from URL using regular expressions and JavaScript, we use the regex match