JavaScript Answers

How to check if a string contains any element of an array in JavaScript?

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Sometimes,. we want to check if a string contains any element of an array in JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to check if a string contains any element of an array in JavaScript.

How to check if a string contains any element of an array in JavaScript?

To check if a string contains any element of an array in JavaScript, we call the array some method.

For instance, we write

const arr = ["banana", "monkey banana", "apple", "kiwi", "orange"];

const checker = (value) =>
  !["banana", "apple"].some((element) => value.includes(element));


to call arr.filter with a callback that checks any of 'banana' or 'apple' isn’t in the value of element being looped through in the arr array.

As a result, filter returns an array with values that don’t have 'banana' or 'apple' in arr.


To check if a string contains any element of an array in JavaScript, we call the array some method.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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