Functional Javascript

How to do image resizing without ImageMagick with Node.js?

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To do image resizing without ImageMagick with Node.js, we use the lwip package.

To use it we write

require("lwip").open("image.jpg", (err, image) => {
    .rotate(45, "white")
    .writeFile("output.jpg", (err) => {

to call open to open image.jpg for resizing.

Then we call scale to resize it to 75% its original size.

We rotate by 45 degrees clockwise with rotate and fill the space with white.

Then we call crop to crop it to 200px by 200px.

Next we call blur to blur the image.

And we call writeFile to write the modified image to output.jpg.

We can get errors from err in the callback.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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