JavaScript APIs

IndexedDB Manipulation with Dexie — Delete Items and Queries

IndexedDB is a way to store data in the browser.

It lets us store larger amounts of data than local storage in an asynchronous way.

Dexie makes working with IndexedDB easier.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to start working with IndexedDB with Dexie.

Delete Items

We can an item by its primary key with the delete method.

For example, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: 'name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28
    const friend = await db.friends.get('mary');
    await db.friends.delete('mary');
  } catch (error) {

We create an object with primary key 'mary' , which is the value of the name column.

Then we call delete to delete the item by its primary key.

We can call bulkDelete to delete multiple items with their primary keys.

For example, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: 'name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "jane",
      age: 28
    const friend = await db.friends.get('mary');
    await db.friends.bulkDelete(['mary', 'jane']);
  } catch (error) {

We create friends entries with primary key 'mary' and 'jane' .

Then we can delete them both with the bulkDelete method.

Query Items

We can query items with various methods.

For example, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: 'name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "jane",
      age: 28
    const someFriends = await db.friends
      .between(20, 30)
  } catch (error) {

The where method takes the field we’re searching in.

between takes the arguments we want to search between.

offset lets us skip the first number of items given the arguments.

limit limits the number of results returned.

toArray converts the results to an array.

We can also loop through the results with the each method.

For instance, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: 'name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "jane",
      age: 28
    const someFriends = await db.friends
      .each(friend => {
  } catch (error) {

We call equalsIgnoreCase to find the name with the given value ignoring the case.

Then we use each to loop through each result.

We can do a case-insensitive search for values of a field that starts with any one of the given substrings with the startsWithAnyOfIgnoreCase method.

For example, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: 'name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "jane",
      age: 28
    const someFriends = await db.friends
      .startsWithAnyOfIgnoreCase(['m', 'j'])
  } catch (error) {

to search for values of name that starts with 'm' or 'j' .


We can delete items from our tables and query for data in our IndexedDB database with Dexie.

JavaScript APIs

IndexedDB Manipulation with Dexie — CRUD Operations

IndexedDB is a way to store data in the browser.

It lets us store larger amounts of data than local storage in an asynchronous way.

Dexie makes working with IndexedDB easier.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to start working with IndexedDB with Dexie.

Declare Database

We declare our IndexedDB database with the Dexie class.

For example, we write:

(async () => {
  var db = new Dexie("MyDatabase");
    friends: "++id, name, age, *tags",
    records: "id, score"

friends and records are the tables.

The property strings are the columns that we want to index.

We shouldn’t declare all columns like in SQL.

The string has some special syntax. They include:

  • + — Auto-incremented primary key
  • & — Unique
  • * — Multi-entry index
  • [A+B] — Compound index

Class Binding

We can map our entries to an instance of a class by writing:

class Friend {
  save() {
    return db.friends.put(this);

get age() {
    return moment(, 'years');

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("MyDatabase");
  await db.version(1).stores({
    friends: "++id, name, age, *tags",

We call mapToClass to map our friends entries to Friend class instances.

Add Items

To add items into our database, we call the add method.

For example, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("MyDatabase");
  await db.version(1).stores({
    friends: "++id, name, age, *tags",
  await db.friends.add({
    name: "joe",
    age: 21

to add an entry to the friends table.

We can add multiple entries at once with the bulkAdd method:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("MyDatabase");
  await db.version(1).stores({
    friends: "++id, name, age, *tags",
  await db.friends.bulkAdd([{
      name: "alex",
      age: 31
      name: "mary",
      age: 32

Update Items

We update items in our database with the put method.

If it doesn’t exist, put will also add new objects to the store.

For example, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("MyDatabase");
  await db.version(1).stores({
    friends: "++id, name, age, *tags",
  await db.friends.put({
    id: 4,
    name: "jane",
    age: 33


We can use bulkPut to call put with multiple objects.

For example, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("MyDatabase");
  await db.version(1).stores({
    friends: "++id, name, age, *tags",
  await db.friends.bulkPut([{
      id: 4,
      name: "bob",
      age: 34
      id: 5,
      name: "may",
      age: 44


to add or update both entries.

If we just want to update an entry, we can use the update method.

For example, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("MyDatabase");
  await db.version(1).stores({
    friends: "++id, name, age, *tags",
  await db.friends.update(4, {
    name: "peter"

to update entries with id 4 to with the new field values.

We can also call modify to modify any entry that is returned from queries:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("MyDatabase");
  await db.version(1).stores({
    friends: "++id, name, age, discount",
  await db.friends.bulkAdd([{
      name: "alex",
      age: 17
      name: "mary",
      age: 32
      name: "don",
      age: 70
  const results = await db.friends
      [0, 18],
      [65, Infinity]
  await results.modify(friend => { = 0.3;

We get the results from the query. where takes a field name.

inAnyRange lets us search for values in the given ranges for the given field name.

The modify modifies the returned results.


JavaScript APIs

IndexedDB Manipulation with Dexie — Queries and Indexes

IndexedDB is a way to store data in the browser.

It lets us store larger amounts of data than local storage in an asynchronous way.

Dexie makes working with IndexedDB easier.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to start working with IndexedDB with Dexie.


We can retrieve objects from our table with the get and where methods.

get retrieves an object by its primary key.

where does an advanced query.

For example, we can use get by writing:

const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
(async () => {
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: '++id,name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "james",
      age: 22
    const friend = await db.friends.get(1)
  } catch (error) {

We call get with the id value of the entry to get.

Then that returns a promise with the result we want to get.

To make more complex queries, we can use the where query.

For instance, we can write:

const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
(async () => {
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: '++id,name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "james",
      age: 22
    const friendCount = await db.friends.where('age').above(25).count()
  } catch (error) {

We add 2 entries to the friends table.

Then we call where with the column to search for.

above searches for anything with the value above a given value.

count returns the count of the results.

We can call more methods to make more advanced queries:

const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
(async () => {
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: '++id,name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28,
      isCloseFriend: true
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "james",
      age: 22
    const friendCount = await db.friends
      .between(37, 40)
      .anyOf(['mary', 'james'])
      .and((friend) => {
        return friend.isCloseFriend;
      .each((friend) => {
  } catch (error) {

or lets us combine one or more conditions with an OR operator.

anyOf searches for any of the values in the array.

and combines one or more conditions with an AND operator.

limit limits the number of items returned.

each lets us iterate through each result.

Detailed Schema Syntax

We can define a schema with Dexie’s schema syntax.

Parts of the syntax include:

  • ++keyPath — autoincrement primary key.
  • ++ — hidden autoincrement primary key.
  • keyPath — non-autoincrement primary key.
  • (blank) — hidden primary key.
  • keyPath — the keyPath is indexed
  • &keyPath — keyPath is indexed and the keys must be unique.
  • *keyPath — the key is an array and eah array value is regarded as a key to the object
  • [keyPath1+keyPath2] — compound index for keyPath1 and keyPath2 .

We can use them to add indexes by writing:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie('MyDatabase');
    friends: '++id,name,age',
    pets: 'id, name, kind',
    cars: '++, name',
    enemies: ',name,*weaknesses',
    users: 'meta.ssn,',
    people: '[name+id], &id'


We can make queries and create indexes easily in our IndexedDB database with Dexie.

JavaScript APIs

IndexedDB Manipulation with Dexie — Indexes, Seed Data, and Promises

IndexedDB is a way to store data in the browser.

It lets us store larger amounts of data than local storage in an asynchronous way.

Dexie makes working with IndexedDB easier.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to start working with IndexedDB with Dexie.


We can add and drop indexes as we wish.

For example, we write:

const db = new Dexie("dbs");
  foo1: 'id,x,y,z',
  foo2: 'id,x,y,z',
  foo3: 'id,x,y,z'
  foo1: 'id,x,z'
  foo2: 'id, x, x2, y, z'
  foo3: null

We created the foo1 , foo2 , and foo3 stores with indexes x , y and z .

Then to delete index y from foo1 , we write:

  foo1: 'id,x,z'

To add index x2 to foo2 , we write:

  foo2: 'id, x, x2, y, z'

And to drop table foo3 , we write:

  foo3: null

The populate Event

If we need initial data to be added to our database, we can watch for the populate event and add data initial data in the callback for the event.

For example, we write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("orders_database");
  await db.version(1).stores({
    orders: "++id,headline,description,statusId",
    statuses: "++id,name,openess"

  db.on("populate", async () => {
    await db.statuses.add({
      id: 1,
      name: "opened",
      openess: true
    await db.statuses.add({
      id: 2,
      name: "cancelled",
      openess: false
    await db.statuses.add({
      id: 3,
      name: "shipped",
      openess: false
    await db.statuses.add({
      id: 4,
      name: "delivered",
      openess: false

to listen to the populate event and add some data when it’s emitted.


Dexie comes with a promise-based API.

For example, we can write:

const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
(async () => {
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: 'name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28
    const friend = await db.friends.get('mary');
    const arr = await db.friends.where('name').startsWithIgnoreCase('mary').toArray();
  } catch (error) {

We create the friends_database database with the friends table.

Then we add some data to the friends store with the db.friends.put method.

Then we get the data with the db.friends.where method with the column name we’re searching.

startsIgnoreCase lets us search by column by the text it starts with.

toArray returns a promise that resolves to an array of results.

Then we log the data with console.log .

All Dexie async methods return a promise.

For example, if we have:

const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
(async () => {
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: 'name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28
    const friend = await db.friends.get('mary');
    const arr = await db.friends.toArray();
  } catch (error) {

That’s the same as:

const db = new Dexie("friend_database");
(async () => {
  try {
    await db.version(1).stores({
      friends: 'name,age'
    await db.friends.put({
      name: "mary",
      age: 28
    const friend = await db.friends.get('mary');
    db.friends.toArray(result => console.log(result));
  } catch (error) {

But the promise is more convenient.


We can add index, add initial data, and use the promise API provided by Dexie.

JavaScript APIs

IndexedDB Manipulation with Dexie — Transactions and Versioning

IndexedDB is a way to store data in the browser.

It lets us store larger amounts of data than local storage in an asynchronous way.

Dexie makes working with IndexedDB easier.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to start working with IndexedDB with Dexie.


When we do more than one operation to our database in sequence, we would normally use a transaction.

Transactions are only completed when the operation succeeds.

This is to ensure that we catch errors and don’t have any partially completed operations done to ur database.

Any errors will cause the operation to roll back.

We can use it to all the write operations synchronously without the need to wait for it to finish before starting the next one.

For example, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("FriendsAndPetsDB");
  await db.version(1).stores({
    friends: "++id,name,isCloseFriend",
    pets: "++id,name,kind"
  db.transaction("rw", db.friends, db.pets, async () => {
    await db.friends.add({
      name: "james",
      isCloseFriend: true
    await db.pets.add({
      name: "mary",
      kind: "dog",
      fur: "long"

to add entries to our friends and pets store simultaneously.

We call db.transaction to start a transaction.

The first argument is the permissions we grant for the transaction.

r is for read, and w is for write.

db.friends and db.pets are the data stores.

The callback has the code that we want to run in the transaction.

Database Versioning

Database versioning is essential when working with IndexedDB.

For example, we can write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("FriendsDB");
    friends: "++id,name"
    name: "james",
    phone: "123456",
    email: "",
    age: 20

to create version 1 of our FriendsDB with:

const db = new Dexie("FriendsDB");
  friends: "++id,name"

We have the id primary key column, which autoincrements as indicated by the ++ operator.

id is an index on the property name.

We may store other properties as we wish.

If we want to add another column to the index, then we increment the version number by writing:

await db.version(2).stores({friends: "++id,name,age"});

We add the age column to the index and increment the database version to 2.

If we need to change the data architecture, then we need to increment the database version and call the upgrade method.

For example, we write:

(async () => {
  const db = new Dexie("FriendsDB");
    friends: "++id,name"
    friends: "++id,name,age"
    friends: "++id,age,firstName,lastName"
  }).upgrade(tx => {
    return tx.table("friends").toCollection().modify(friend => {
      const [firstName, lastName] =' ');
      friend.firstName = firstName;
      friend.lastName = lastName;

to upgrade the database version with the version method.

Then to update the database structure, we call the modify method with a callback to update existing data to the new architecture.

Now all the existing data would upgrade for existing users.


Dexie supports transactions so that we only commit complete operations.

Also, we can update the indexes and schema by upgrading the database version.