JavaScript JavaScript Basics

How to Check if a JavaScript Object is an Array

There are a few simple ways to check if an object is an array.


The simplest and easiest way is to use Array.isArray , which are available in most recent browsers, IE9+, Chrome, Edge, Firefox 4+, etc. It is also built into all versions of Node.js. It checks whether any object or undefined is an array.

To use it, do the following:

const arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
const isArrAnArray = Array.isArray(arr); // true

const obj = {};
const isObjAnArray = Array.isArray(obj); // false

const undef = undefined;
const isUndefinedAnArray = Array.isArray(undef); // false


Alternatives include using instanceOf , checking if the constructor is an array or checking if an object’s prototype has the word Array.

Using instanceOf , you can do:

const arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
  const isArray = (arr)=>{
    return arr.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") > -1;
  console.log(isArray(arr)) // true

Similarly, by checking an object’s prototype, you can do:

const arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
const isArray = (arr) => {
  return === '[object Array]';
console.log(isArray(arr)) // true

Third Party Libraries

Underscore and Lodash also have equivalent array check functions:

const arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
const isArraAnArray _.isArray(arr); // true
JavaScript JavaScript Basics

Where’s the Sleep Function in JavaScript?

If we try to search for the sleep function in JavaScript, we won’t find it. However, we can easily make one with existing functions.

setTimeout Function

There’s a setTimeout function that lets us run code after a specified number of milliseconds. We can use it to create our own sleep function.

Like most time-sensitive JavaScript code, it’s going to be asynchronous since this won’t hold up the main thread running our program.

We can create a function that runs code after a specified amount of time by writing:

const runLater = (delay) => {  
  setTimeout(() => {  
  }, delay)  

The runLater function will show the string 'bar' when we pass in the delay by in number of milliseconds.

If we run:


We’ll see that we get:


This is because the synchronous code, which are the first and last lines, are run first. The runLater(100) is queued up to be run in the next iteration of the event loop between the time when the first and last lines are run.

Then in the next iteration of the event loop, the code in the setTimeout callback runs, which will log 'baz' .

This means that if we want to run code in callbacks sequentially, we have to nest the callbacks. And too many callbacks create callback hell.


Therefore, the best way to run asynchronous JavaScript code sequentially is to use promises. We can create a promise with the setTimeout function by using the Promise constructor.

We can write the sleep function as follows:

const sleep = (delay) => {  
  return new Promise(resolve => {  
    setTimeout(resolve, delay)  

The sleep function returns a promise which resolves after the setTimeout callback, which is the resolve function is called after delay milliseconds.

A promise is asynchronous like the setTimeout callback. The good thing about it is that we can run them sequentially as they’re fulfilled.

Fulfilled means that the resolve method in the callback above is called. A promise can also be rejected with the reject function when an error occurs.

Using promises let us chain asynchronous code and run them sequentially.

We can do this cleanly with async functions. To define an async function, we use the async and await keywords as follows:

(async ()=>{  
  await sleep(2000);  

If we run the code above, we should see that 'foo' is logged, then 2 seconds after that 'bar' is logged.

This will let us up time delayed code without hanging our app.

The number 2000 in the argument is in milliseconds, so it’ll wait 2 seconds before running the next line.

await tells the browser to hold off on executing the next line until the await line is resolved. We can put await in front of any promise to indicate that we should wait for the promise to resolve before continuing.

We can keep repeating this:

(async () => {  
  await sleep(2000);  
  await sleep(2000);  
  await sleep(2000);  

But it gets repetitive. Fortunately, we can use loops to eliminate this repetition.

For-Await-Of Loop

We have the for-await-of loop which loops through iterable objects like arrays and array-like objects whether they’re synchronous or asynchronous.

To do this, we can write:

(async () => {  
  const arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'a', 'b'];  
  for await (let a of arr) {  
    await sleep(2000);  

The code above is much cleaner and it doesn’t matter how many things we want to loop through.

It’s important that we actually have promise code inside our async functions whether we want to use loops or not.

We can also return a promise from an async function, so we can write:

(async () => {  
  const arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'a', 'b'];  
  for await (let a of arr) {  
    await sleep(2000);  
  return sleep(2000);  

to return the sleep(2000) promise.

Also, we can give it a name and use it in other async functions as follows:

const foo = async () => {  
  const arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'a', 'b'];  
  for await (let a of arr) {  
    await sleep(2000);  
  return sleep(2000);  

(async () => {  
  await foo();  

This shows that async functions are promises.


In JavaScript, there’s no sleep function like in other languages. However, we can make our own easily.

With promises, we can solve timing issues easily. It makes time-delayed code execution clean and readable. We can write time-delayed JavaScript code by using the setTimeout function.

The async and await syntax makes reading and writing the code a breeze.

Finally, we can call async functions in other async functions since these types of functions return promises only.

JavaScript JavaScript Basics

What’s so Special About JavaScript Functions?

In JavaScript, there are multiple ways to declare a function. One way is to declare it with the function keyword. The other way is to declare it as an arrow function.

In fact, there are two ways to declare a function with the function keyword. One way is using function declarations, which are also called function statements, and the other is to use function expressions.

In JavaScript, functions are first-class, which means that they’re objects we can define on the fly.

Function Declarations

Function declarations, also called function statements, are the way we define a function — with the function keyword followed by the name of the function.

For example, we can write the following to define a function with a function declaration:

function foo(){  
  return 'foo';  

A function declaration is stored in memory prior to executing the program. This means we can reference it anywhere in our code, even before it’s declared. Storing a variable in memory prior to executing the program is called “hoisting” in JavaScript.

For example, if we write the following:


function foo() {  
  return 'foo'  


We get foo logged from both function calls.

Function Expressions

Function expressions are functions stored as a value of a variable.

For example, to define a function as a function expression, we write:

const foo = function() {  
  return 'foo'  

Unless they’re function declarations or statements, function expressions aren’t stored in memory before the program runs. The function is defined in run-time, so we can only reference them after they’re declared.

For example, if write the follwing:


const foo = function() {  
  return 'foo'  


We’ll get the following error: Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access ‘foo’ before initialization’.

In the code above, we have the variable declaration when the program initially runs, but we don’t have the function assigned to it yet, so we can’t access it. Also, anything defined with the let , or const keywords can’t be used with those variables or constants before it’s defined, which also prevents it from being run.

When Should We Use Function Declarations or Expressions?

It depends on personal style. Function declarations are more convenient — they’re available in any part of the script — while function expressions let us assign a function to a variable and reference the variable in various ways, like the calling methods it has.

First-Class Functions

As we see in the function expression example, we can assign a function to a variable in JavaScript. The term for this is a first-class function. First-class functions are functions defined on the fly as the program runs.

This is because in JavaScript, functions are objects just like everything else. Functions have their own methods and other properties and can be used just like objects.

For example, all functions have the toString method to convert them to a string with the code that defines the function.

Other methods in a function would be methods that call a function with a different this value, like bind , call , and apply.

We can use the toString method by writing the following code:

function foo() {  
  return 'foo'  


Then we get the following from the console.log:

function foo() {  
  return 'foo'  

The bind, call, and apply methods are similar. They all take an object for the this keyword in the function as the first argument. bind and call take a comma-separated list of arguments for the other arguments and apply takes an array of arguments as the second argument.

For example, we can change the value of this in a function with the call method by writing the following code:

let obj = {  
  firstName: 'Joe',  
  lastName: 'Smith'  

let person  = {  
  firstName: 'Jane',  
  lastName: 'Smith',  
  getFullName()  {  
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`  


The first example would be the same except that we change call to apply, since we didn’t pass in the second or subsequent arguments:

let obj = {  
  firstName: 'Joe',  
  lastName: 'Smith'  

let person  = {  
  firstName: 'Jane',  
  lastName: 'Smith',  
  getFullName()  {  
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`  


Then we get Jane Smith for the first console.log, since we haven’t changed the value with apply yet, but we changed the value of this to obj with the apply method in the second console.log so that we get Joe Smith.

We can call bind with an object passed in, as in the following code:

let person = {  
  firstName: 'Jane',  
  lastName: 'Smith',  
  getName() {  
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`  

const joe = {  
  firstName: 'Joe',  
  lastName: 'Smith'  


Then we get 'Joe Smith' since we passed in the joe object into the first argument of the bind method, which sets the this object inside the getName method to the joe object.

In JavaScript, there are two ways to declare a function with the function keyword. One way is using function declarations, which are also called function statements, and the other is to use function expressions.

Function declarations are defining a function with the function keyword followed by the name of the function. They are available anywhere in the program.

Function expressions are functions assigned to variables. They’re only available after they’re declared and assigned to the variable.

In JavaScript, functions are first-class, which means that they’re objects that we can define on the fly.

With these features in mind, we can use in ways that are different from languages like Java, where functions can only be inside classes.

JavaScript JavaScript Basics

What are Higher-Order Functions in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, higher-order functions are used in many places. Therefore, it’s important to know what they are.

In this article, we’ll look at what higher-order functions are and how to use them in JavaScript.

Definition of Higher-Order Functions

Higher-order functions are functions that take other functions as arguments or return functions as their results. A function that’s accepted as an argument is also called a callback function.

Why can functions accept other functions as arguments or return functions? This is because JavaScript functions are objects like any other entity in JavaScript. Functions that are objects are called first-class functions.

First-class functions are treated like any other variables. In JavaScript, this is the case, so JavaScript functions are first-class functions.

In JavaScript, we can assign functions to variables:

let foo = () => 1;

In the code above, we assigned a simple anonymous function to the foo variable.

Then we can call it by running:


We can also add properties to it as follows: = 1;

The code above is bad practice because it’s confusing since functions are usually called rather than manipulated by adding properties to them.

However, we know from this that JavaScript functions are objects. It also has a prototype with methods like apply, bind, and call to modify the behavior of regular functions declared with the function keyword.

Everything that we want to do with other variables like numbers, strings, and objects, we can do with functions.

Functions as Function Parameters

Because JavaScript functions are just regular objects, we can pass them in as arguments when we call a function. This is used in many places like array functions and promise callbacks.

A simple example would be the following:

const addOrMultiply = (addFn, multiplyFn, a, b) => {  
  if (Math.random() > 0.5) {  
    return addFn(a, b);  
  return multiplyFn(a, b);  

const add = (a, b) => a + b;  
const multiply = (a, b) => a * b;  
const result = addOrMultiply(add, multiply, 1, 2);

In the code above, we defined the addOrMultiply function which takes a function to add 2 numbers, function to multiply 2 numbers, and 2 numbers as arguments.

In the function, if Math.random() returns a number bigger than 0.5, then we call addFn(a, b) . Otherwise, we call multiplyFn(a, b) .

Then we defined the add and multiply functions to add and multiply 2 numbers respectively.

Finally, we call the addOrMultiply function by passing inadd and multiply functions and numbers 1 and 2.

This way, the functions we pass in get called with a and b . This doesn’t mean that the function we pass in have to match the signature of the function calls inside the addOrMultiply function. JavaScript doesn’t care about the signatures of the function we pass in. However, we’ve to pass in functions that get us the expected results.

By the definition that we mentioned for higher-order function, addOrMultiply fits the definition of it.

Examples of Higher-Order Functions


We can use the forEach method to loop through each element of an array. It takes a callback function as an argument. The callback takes the array entry currently being processed, index of the array being processed, and the array itself as the parameter.

The index and the array parameters are optional. However, we know that JavaScript doesn’t care about the function signature of functions we use for callbacks, so we’ve to be careful.

We can write the following code:

const arr = [1, 2, 3];  
arr.forEach((a, i) => console.log(`arr[${i}] is ${a}`))

We should see:

arr[0] is 1  
arr[1] is 2  
arr[2] is 3

logged from the console.log .

The map array method takes the same callback function as forEach . It’s used for mapping array entries of the array it’s called on to values returned by manipulating each entry with the callback function. It returns a new array.

For example, we can use is as follows:

const arr = [1, 2, 3];, i) => a**2)

Then we should get:

[1, 4, 9]


The setTimeout function delays the execution of the code inside the callback function that we pass into it by a specified amount of time.

For example, we can use it as follows:

setTimeout(() => {  
}, 1000)

The code above will log 'hi' 1 second after the setTimeout function is called.

setTimeout defers the code inside the callback to the next event loop iteration so that we delay the execution of the code in the callback without holding up the whole program.

This kind of delayed code is asynchronous. We delay code execution without holding up the main execution thread to wait for its execution to finish.

This pattern is common to lots of asynchronous code, including callbacks for promises, event listeners and other pieces of asynchronous code.

Since we can’t execute asynchronous code line by line, callbacks are even more important since it’s the only way to run a function in an indeterminate amount of time.

Event Handlers

Event handlers for DOM elements and in Node.js also use callbacks since there’s code that is only called when an event is triggered.

For example, we can attach a simple click listener to the document object as follows:

document.addEventListener('click', () => {  

Then whenever we click on the page, we’ll get 'clicked' logged.

As we can see higher-order functions are very useful in JavaScript. It lets us create callback functions to pass into other functions. It’s widely used by synchronous code and asynchronous code alike.

Synchronous callbacks examples include callbacks that we pass into array methods.

Asynchronous callbacks include event handlers, setTimeout , promise callbacks and more. It’s widely used with asynchronous code since the code isn’t run line by line, so we need callbacks to run code that needs to be run in an indeterminate amount of time.

JavaScript JavaScript Basics

What Does the Percent Sign Mean in JavaScript?

JavaScript has many operators. One of them is the percent sign: %. It has a special meaning in JavaScript: it’s the remainder operator. It obtains the remainder between two numbers.

This is different from languages like Java, where % is the modulo operator.

In this piece, we’ll look at the difference between the modulo and the remainder operator.

Modulo Operator

The modulo operator works like the mod operator in math. It’s a basic part of modular arithmetic, which works like the clock. The number wraps around to something smaller than the given value, when it’s bigger than it.

For example, a clock has 12 hours. We represent that in math with by writing x mod 12 where x is an integer. For example if x is 20 then 20 mod 12 is 8 since we subtract 12 until it’s between 0 and 11.

Another example would be a negative number for x. If x is -1, then -1 mod 12 is 11 since we add 12 to it to make it within between 0 and 11.

12 mod 12 is 0 since we subtract 12 from it until it’s within the same range.

The operand after the mod can be positive or negative.

If the right-hand operand is negative, then the range of it must be from the negative number plus 1 to 0.

For example, if we have 1 mod -3 . Then we subtract 3 from it to get -2 .

To see more properties of modular arithmetic, check out this article for modular arithmetic and this article for the modulo operator from Wikipedia.

The JavaScript percent sign doesn’t do modular arithmetic. It’s used for finding the remainder when the first operand is divided by the second operand.

Remainder Operator

This is what JavaScript’s percent sign actually means. For example, if we write:

10 % 2

we get 0 since 10 is evenly divisible by 2.

If the first operand isn’t even divisible by the second operand, then we get a non-zero remainder. For example, if we have:

10 % 3

Then we get 1 since 10 divided by 3 has a remainder of 1.

Since the percent sign is a remainder operator, it also works if either number is negative. For example, if we have:

10 % -3

Then we get 1 because the quotient is -3 and the remainder is 1.

On the other hand, if we write:

-10 % 3

Then we get -1 because the quotient is -3 and the remainder is -1.

Bitwise Operator for Doing Modular Arithmetic

We can use the >>> operator, which is the zero left shift operator, to compute a number modulo 2 to the 32nd power.

The zero left shift operator shifts right by pushing zero in from the left and the rightmost one falls off the shift.

For example, if we write:

2**32 >>> 32

Then we get 0 since we pushed 32 zeroes in from the left, which pushed all the ones out.

Writing 2**32 >>> 0 is the same as 2**32 >>> 32.

If we write 2**32 + 1 >>> 32 then we get 1 since we added the 33rd bit on the left with the value 1, then we pushed in 32 zeroes from the left, leaving only 1 bit left.

Using Typed Array for Modulo Operation

We can also use typed arrays like the Uint8Array, Uint16Array, and Uint32Array for modulo operations since each entry can only be 0 to 2**8–1, 0 to 2**16–1, or 0 to 2**32–1respectively. The U in the first character of the name means unsigned.

In each example below, we create a typed array with one entry, then we assign various values to it to compute x mod 2**8 , x mod 2**16 and x mod 2**32 respectively.

For example, if we write:

const arr1 = new Uint8Array(1);  
arr1[0] = 2**8;  
arr1[0] = 2**8 + 1;  

Then we get that the first console.log gives us 0 and the second console.log gives us 1 since the entries are wrapped to be between 0 and 2**8 - 1.

Likewise, we can do the same thing with the other kinds of typed arrays as follows:

const arr1 = new Uint16Array(1);  
arr1[0] = 2**16;  
arr1[0] = 2**16 + 1;  


const arr1 = new Uint32Array(1);  
arr1[0] = 2**32;  
arr1[0] = 2**32 + 1;  

Then we get the same results as the first example.

Write a Modulo Function with JavaScript

If we actually want to do modular arithmetic with JavaScript, we have to write our own modulo function.

One example would be this:

const mod = (a, b) => ((a % b) + b) % b

It wraps the results of a % b to be within 0 and b — 1 or b+1 and 0 if b is negative by adding a % b to b. a % b is always less than a since it’s the remainder, but it might not be within the range of 0 and b — 1 or b+1 and 0and 0 if b is negative so we add b to it.

If we write:

console.log(mod(1, 12));  
console.log(mod(13, 12));  
console.log(mod(13, -12));

Then we should get:


This is what we expect.

In JavaScript, the percent sign is the remainder operator. It gets us the remainder of the number when we divide the left operand by the right operand. To do real modulo operations with JavaScript, we have to write our own function to do it or we can use a typed array to do it since it wraps the value to be within the given range.