
Working with JSON — Using Fetch API with React

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

It’s a popular data-interchange format that has many uses.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to use JSON with React and Fetch API.

Making HTTP Requests with React

React is a view library, so it doesn’t come with any way to make HTTP requests.

To do this, we have to use our own HTTP client library.

Most modern browsers today comes with the Fetch API.

We can use it with the useEffect hook.

To use it, we can write:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";

export default function App() {
  const [answer, setAnwser] = useState();

  const getAnswer = async () => {
    const res = await fetch("");
    const answer = await res.json();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);
  return <div className="App">{JSON.stringify(answer)}</div>;

to make a GET request to an endpoint with the fetch function.

It returns a promise that resolves to the data and then we call json to get the data from the JSON.

Then we call setAnswer to set the answer state.

The empty array in 2nd argument means that we only run the callback when the component mounts.

Also, we can move the getAnswer function into its own hook by writing:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";

const useAnswer = () => {
  const [answer, setAnwser] = useState();

  const getAnswer = async () => {
    const res = await fetch("");
    const answer = await res.json();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);
  return answer;

export default function App() {
  const answer = useAnswer();
  return <div className="App">{JSON.stringify(answer)}</div>;

We move all the logic to get the response from the API endpoint to its own hook.

Then we can keep our component squeaky clean with no side effects.

To make a POST request with the Fetch API, we can write:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";

const makeRequest = async (data) => {
  const res = await fetch("", {
    method: "POST",
    mode: "cors",
    cache: "no-cache",
    credentials: "same-origin",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    body: JSON.stringify(data)
  const response = await res.json();
  return response;

export default function App() {
  const submit = async () => {
    const res = await makeRequest({
      title: "delectus aut autem",
      completed: false

  return (
      <button onClick={submit}>add todo</button>

We added the makeRequest function that calls fetch with the URL to make the request to an an object with the options for our request.

The method property is the request method.

The mode is the request mode. 'cors' makes a cross-origin request.

cache set to 'no-cache' disables cache.

credentials sets the cookies origin.

headers has the HTTP request headers that we want to send.

body has the HTTP request body.

When we click the ‘add todo’ button, then submit function makes the request with the makeRequest function.

Then the response data is returned with the promise returned from the makeRequest function and logged from the console log.


We make HTTP requests in a React app with the Fetch API.


Working with JSON — Schemas and CSRF

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

It’s a popular data-interchange format that has many uses.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to use JSON.

JSON Schemas

We can check the value of JSON schemas to check if our data types are correct.

Also, we can check if we have the required data.

And we check if the values are in the format that we require.

For example, if we have:

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Person",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string"
        "age": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "Your person's age in years."
        "gender": {
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "type": "string"
    "required": [

then we have a Person schema that has the name with type string .

The age property has type number .

gender is of type string and description is also of type string .

Also, it has the required property that has an array of required properties.

For example, if we have:

    "name": "james",
    "age": 2,
    "gender": "male"

then it conforms to the schema that we just created above.

We can add more validation to our schema.

We can set the minimum number allowed for age .

For example, we can write:

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Person",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string"
        "age": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "Your person's age in years.",
            "minimum": 0
        "gender": {
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "type": "string"
    "required": [

to set the minimum allowed value for age .

Then if we want to validate an object against our schema, we can go to

If we have anything that doesn’t conform to the schema we specified, we’ll see the errors.

We put the schema object on the left side and the JSON object we want to check against on the right side.

JSON Security

Since we’re using JSON to communicate between 2 or more parties, we’ll have to look at security.

Anything that communicates over a network will have security risks.

There are various kinds of attacks that we have to concerned about.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

One kind of attack that we have to worry about is the cross-site request forgery.

This where an attack goes to a site that is already authenticated by a legitimate user.

So the attacker can see the sensitive data that is in the site.

Attackers can gain access to sites that require authentication because cookies are included with requests, so they may be able to intercept them and use them to authenticate.

There’s no way to distinguish between legitimate requests and forged requests unless a CSRF token is used to distinguish between them.

Most web frameworks have protection for this attack built in to stop this attack.


We can validate JSON schemas against our JSON objects to validate our objects with it.

Also, we have to be careful about CSRF attacks to stop attackers from accessing sensitive data with forged requests.


Working with JSON — Injection Attacks

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

It’s a popular data-interchange format that has many uses.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to use JSON.

Injection Attacks

Injection attacks are where attackers run their own malicious code on our websites to do what they want.

They add their own malicious code onto our sites and run them by exploiting the vulnerabilities on our site.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

One kind of injection attack is the cross-site scripting attack.

This is where the attack runs their malicious code on our site by using the vulnerabilities on our site.

JavaScript has the eval function that takes a string and run code form it.

For example, if we have:

const jsonString = '{"animal":"cat"}';
const obj = eval(`(${jsonString})`);

Then we put the jsonString in the parentheses and run that with eval .

A JavaScript object will be returned and we assign that to obj .

So when we console log the value of obj.animal , we get 'cat' .

As we can see, this can lead to problems when we have malicious code as the argument of eval .

For example, if we have:

const jsonString =  "alert('bad')";;
const obj = eval(`(${jsonString})`);

Then eval runs the code in jsonString to show an alert box.

That is definitely not good since it’s doing something users don’t expect.

Fortunately, this attack is recognized by developers and the JSON.parse method won’t parse JSON strings with functions in them.

Therefore, we should use JSON.parse instead of eval to parse JSON strings:

const jsonString = '{"animal":"cat"}';
const obj = JSON.parse(jsonString);

We parse jsonString with JSON.parse instead and get the same result as the previous example.

This is supported by almost all modern browsers so we can use this to parse JSON strings without thinking.

We should also think about HTML strings that have JavaScript.

For example, we can write:

    "message": "<div onmouseover=\"alert('gotcha!')\">hover here.</div>"

The string calls alert in the HTML code when we hover over the rendered HTML.

This is something that we have considered when we are parsing HTML strings and rendering them directly in the browser.

It can do a lot more than just showing an alert, and do things like stealing data.

A good way to prevent parsing raw HTML and JavaScipt directly is to escape the HTML characters.

We can convert <div> to &lt;div&gt; so that it won’t be rendered as HTML.

Instead, the code will be displayed as the code.

Modern web frameworks should prevent raw HTML from being rendered directly in the browser unless we explicitly make it do so.


We should watch out for cross-site scripting attacks when we’re writing our sites and web apps.

Modern web frameworks should prevent raw HTML from being rendered directly.

Also, we shouldn’t use eval to run raw JavaScript code.


Working with JSON — Syntax Rules and Data Types

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

It’s a popular data-interchange format that has many uses.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to use JSON.

Syntax Validation

We can validate the syntax for JSON with many tools.

Many IDEs like WebStorm and text editors like Visual Studio Code have JSON validation capabilities built-in.

There are also many websites that let us validate our JSON code.

They include:

They all provide syntax highlighting and will show errors if there are any errors with the syntax.

JSON as a Document

JSON can be used as documents. We just have to save it with the .json extension to use them.

The JSON MediaType

JSON has its own MIME type, which is application/json .

It’s a standard Internet media type that we can use for communication.

JSON Data Types

JSON lets us add values with a few data types into our object.

They include numbers, characters and strings, and booleans. These are primitive data types, which are the most basic data types.

We can also add the array composite data type, which is something composed of primitive data types.

In JSON, the allowed data types are:

  • Object
  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Null
  • Array

The JSON object data type is the root data type.

The root of a piece of JSON data is either an object or an array.

For instance, we can write:

    "person": {
        "name": "james smith",
        "heightInCm": 180,
        "head": {
            "hair": {
                "color": "brown",
                "length": "short",
                "style": "A-line"
            "eyes": "blue"

to add an object with key-value pairs that describe a person.

It has the person key which is set to an object value.

There are also other object values like head and hair .

heightInCm has a number value.

JSON String Data Type

One of the basic JSON data types is a string.

A string has any text data.

A JSON string can be comprised of any Unicode character.

A string must always be enclosed in double-quotes.

For example, we can’t write:

    'title': 'title.',
    'body': 'body.'

but we can write:

    "title": "title.",
    "body": "body."

If we want to add double quotes in a string, we can use the backslash to escape them.

For instance, we can write:

    "promo": "Say \"cheese!\""

to add the double quotes inside the string by adding a backslash before it.

If we want to add a backslash into a string, then we have to add 2 backslashes:

    "path": "C:\\Program Files"

Other characters that have to escaped include:

  • / (forward slash)
  • b (backspace)
  • f (form feed)
  • t (tab)
  • n (newline)
  • r (carriage return)
  • u followed by hexadecimal characters

For example, we can use them by writing:

    "story": "\t Once upon a time, \n there was a prince."

We added the tab character with \t and a newline with \n .


We can validate JSON syntax with many tools.

Also, there are a few data types that are supported in JSON.

Special characters also have to be escaped.


Working with JSON — Data Types and Schemas

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

It’s a popular data-interchange format that has many uses.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to use JSON.

JSON Number Data Type

Numbers are supported with JSON.

We just add them as values.

For example, we can write:

    "latitude": 49.606209,
    "longitude": -122.332071

to add the numbers as the values.

We have decimal numbers in the JSON. We can also have integers.

JSON Boolean Data Type

JSON objects can also have boolean values. Boolean can have values true or false .

For example, we can write:

    "toastWithBreakfast": false,
    "breadWithLunch": true

to add them as values.

JSON Null Data Type

The null data type can have the value null .

It is used to represent nothing.

For example, we can write:

    "freckleCount": 1,
    "hairy": false,
    "color": null

Then we set the value of color to null , which means that no color is set.

JSON Array Data Type

JSON supports array for storing collections of data.

For example, we can write:

    "fruits": [

to add the fruits property to an JSON and set the value to an array with the square brackets enclosing the values.

We can add null to an array to add empty values:

    "fruits": [

We can mix and match data types in JSON arrays just like JavaScript arrays.

JSON arrays can have any JSON supported data types in an object.

So we can write:

    "scores": [


    "answers": [


    "students": [
        "james smith",
        "bob jones",
        "jane smith"

Arrays can also have arrays in them.

For example, we can write:

    "tests": [

We add the booleans in an array and then put the arrays in another array outside of it.

JSON Schema

A JSON schema lets us check our JSON for the structure that we expect.

We can validate the conformity of our data with the schema and fix errors that are found.

Validation errors let us fix errors that are found.

This makes us feel confident about the data.

To add a JSON schema to our object, we can write:

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Person",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string"
        "age": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "Your person's age in years."
        "gender": {
            "type": "string"

We defined the schema object with the $schema property.

Then we have the title to add the title to the schema.

Then we have the properties object with the properties that are allowed in the JSON object that we’re checking against this schema with.

For example, if we have:

    "name": "james",
    "age": 20,
    "gender": "male"

then that conforms to our schema.


JSON lets us use various data types in our JSON objects.

Also, we can create JSON schemas to validate objects.