Vue Answers

What’s difference between v-model and v-bind on Vue.js?

v-model and v-bind are both Vue.js directives, but they serve different purposes:


The v-model directive is primarily used for two-way data binding on form inputs.

It creates a binding between a form input element and a piece of data in the Vue instance.

Changes made to the input value will automatically update the associated data property, and changes to the data property will update the input value.

For example we write

<input v-model="message" type="text">

In this example, message is a data property in the Vue instance, and its value will be synchronized with the value of the input field.


The v-bind directive is used to bind an attribute or a component prop to an expression.

It’s typically used when we want to dynamically bind an attribute or a prop to a value that can change over time. Unlike v-model, v-bind doesn’t establish any two-way data binding.

For instance we write

<div v-bind:class="{ active: isActive }"></div>

In this example, the class attribute of the <div> element will be bound to the value of the isActive data property.

If isActive is true, the active class will be applied; otherwise, it will not.

In conclusion, v-model is specifically for form inputs and creates a two-way data binding between the input value and a data property.

v-bind is used to dynamically bind attributes or props to expressions and doesn’t create any two-way data binding. It’s more general-purpose and can be used with any HTML attribute or Vue component prop.

Vue Answers

How to force Vue.js to reload/re-render?

In Vue.js, forcing a component to reload or re-render can be achieved in a few different ways depending on our specific use case:

Changing a Reactive Data Property

If we have a reactive data property that affects the rendering of our component, we can simply modify its value to trigger a re-render.

Vue.js automatically detects changes to reactive data properties and updates the DOM accordingly.

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      reloadFlag: false,
  methods: {
    forceReload() {
      this.reloadFlag = !this.reloadFlag; // Toggle the value

In our template, we can bind this method to a button or any other event trigger:

<button @click="forceReload">Reload</button>

Using Key Attribute

We can force Vue.js to treat a component as a completely new instance by providing a unique key attribute.

This will cause Vue.js to destroy the existing instance of the component and create a new one.

  <div :key="uniqueKey">Component content</div>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      uniqueKey: 0,
  methods: {
    forceReload() {
      this.uniqueKey++; // Increment the key to force a re-render

This method can be useful if we want to reset the state of a component or ensure that it’s completely re-initialized.

Using this.$forceUpdate()

In rare cases where we need to force a component to re-render without modifying any data properties, we can call the $forceUpdate() method. This method forces the component to re-render without affecting its state.


However, it’s generally recommended to use reactive data properties or the key attribute approach whenever possible, as they provide a more predictable and Vue-like way of triggering re-renders.

Choose the method that best fits our specific scenario.

Vue Answers

What does the @ mean inside an import path in Vue.js?

In Vue.js, the @ symbol inside an import path is typically used as a shorthand alias for the src directory in our project.

This convention is often set up by Vue CLI when creating a new Vue.js project.

Here’s how it typically works:

Vue CLI setup

When we create a new Vue.js project using Vue CLI, it sets up webpack aliases to make it easier to import modules from specific directories.

By default, @ is aliased to the src directory, which is where our Vue.js components, assets, and other source files are typically located.

Usage in import paths

We can use @ in import paths to reference files or modules within the src directory without needing to specify the full relative path.

For example:

import MyComponent from '@/components/MyComponent.vue';

In this example, @/components/MyComponent.vue would resolve to src/components/MyComponent.vue.


While @ is a convention commonly used for the src directory, we can customize webpack aliases in our Vue CLI project’s configuration if needed.

Using @ in import paths can make your code cleaner and more concise, especially when dealing with deeply nested directory structures.

It also helps to decouple our components and modules from specific directory structures, making it easier to refactor or reorganize our project in the future.

Vue Answers

How to disable input conditionally with Vue.js?

We can disable an input conditionally in Vue.js by using the v-bind directive (or shorthand :) to bind the disabled attribute to a boolean expression.

For instance we write

    <input type="text" v-model="inputValue" :disabled="isDisabled">
    <button @click="toggleDisabled">Toggle Input</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      inputValue: '',
      isDisabled: false
  methods: {
    toggleDisabled() {
      this.isDisabled = !this.isDisabled;

In this example we have an <input> element with the v-model directive to bind its value to the inputValue data property.

We also use the :disabled directive to conditionally disable the input based on the value of the isDisabled data property.

There’s a button that, when clicked, toggles the value of the isDisabled property between true and false.

When isDisabled is true, the input will be disabled. Otherwise, it will be enabled.

We can adjust the condition for disabling the input based on your specific requirements.

This is a common approach in Vue.js to conditionally disable elements based on dynamic data properties.

Vue Answers

How to listen for ‘props’ changes with Vue.js?

In Vue.js, we can listen for changes to props using a watcher or a computed property.

Here’s how we can do it:

Using a Watcher:

    <p>Prop value: {{ myProp }}</p>

export default {
  props: {
    myProp: {
      type: String,
      required: true
  watch: {
    myProp(newValue, oldValue) {
      // Handle prop changes
      console.log('Prop value changed:', newValue);

In this example we define a watcher for the myProp prop.

Whenever the value of myProp changes, the watcher function will be invoked, and we can handle the changes inside this function.

Using a Computed Property:

    <p>Prop value: {{ myProp }}</p>

export default {
  props: {
    myProp: {
      type: String,
      required: true
  computed: {
    // Define a computed property that returns the value of the prop
    // This computed property will be re-evaluated whenever the prop changes
    myPropValue() {
      return this.myProp;
  watch: {
    // We can also watch the computed property if we want
    myPropValue(newValue, oldValue) {
      console.log('Prop value changed:', newValue);

In this example we define a computed property called myPropValue that simply returns the value of the myProp prop.

Whenever the value of myProp changes, the computed property will be re-evaluated, and we can watch this computed property for changes using a watcher.

Both methods achieve the same result of listening for changes to props in Vue.js. We can choose the one that fits our use case better.