Python Answers

How to determine if an object is iterable in Python?

Sometimes, we want to determine if an object is iterable in Python.

In this article, we’ll look at how to determine if an object is iterable in Python.

How to determine if an object is iterable in Python?

To determine if an object is iterable in Python, we can use the collections module.

For instance, we write:

from import Iterable

x = 100
y = [1, 2]
x_iterable = isinstance(x, Iterable)
y_iterable = isinstance(y, Iterable)


We import Iterable from the module.

Then we call isinstance with the variables we want to check and Iterable to check if x and y are iterable.

Therefore, x_iterable is False and y_iterable is True since x is an integer and y is an array.


To determine if an object is iterable in Python, we can use the collections module.

Python Answers

How to create multiline comments in Python?

Sometimes, we want to create multiline comments in Python.

In this article, we’ll look at how to create multiline comments in Python.

How to create multiline comments in Python?

To create multiline comments in Python, we can enclose the comment with ''' or create consecutive single line comments.

For instance, we write:

This is a multiline

to add a multiline comment.

Or, we can add consecutive single line comments with:

# This is a multiline
# comment.


To create multiline comments in Python, we can enclose the comment with ''' or create consecutive single line comments.

Python Answers

How to trim whitespace from a string with Python?

Sometimes, we want to trim whitespace from a string with Python.

In this article, we’ll look at how to trim whitespace from a string with Python.

How to trim whitespace from a string with Python?

To trim whitespace from a string with Python, we can use the Python string’s strip method.

For instance, we write:

stripped = ' Hello '.strip()

to remove the leading and trailing whitespaces from the ' Hello ' string.

Therefore, stripped is 'Hello'.


To trim whitespace from a string with Python, we can use the Python string’s strip method.

Python Answers

How to check for NaN values with Python?

Sometimes, we want to check for NaN values with Python.

In this article, we’ll look at how to check for NaN values with Python.

How to check for NaN values with Python?

To check for NaN values with Python, we can use the math.isnan method.

For instance, we write:

import math

x = float('nan')
isnan = math.isnan(x)

We call float with a non-number string and assign that to x.

Then we call math.isnan with x to check if x is NaN or not and assign the returned result to isnan.

Therefore, isnan is True since x is not a number.


To check for NaN values with Python, we can use the math.isnan method.

Python Answers

How to check if a directory exists in Python?

Sometimes, we want to check if a directory exists in Python.

In this article, we’ll look at how to check if a directory exists in Python.

How to check if a directory exists in Python?

To check if a directory exists in Python, we can use the os.path.isdir or os.path.exists methods.

For instance, we write:

import os

isdir = os.path.isdir('new_folder')

We pass in the path string to check if whether the directory with the given path exists.

isdir is True if the folder exists at the given path. Otherwise, it’s False.

To use os.path.exists, we write:

import os

isdir = os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'new_folder'))

We call os.path.exists with the path created with os.path.join that joins the path segments together.

os.getcwd() returns the path of the current working directory.

isdir is True if the folder exists at the given path. Otherwise, it’s False.


To check if a directory exists in Python, we can use the os.path.isdir or os.path.exists methods.