
Few Things to Consider When Trying to Become a Better Developer

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To be a good programmer, we should follow some easy to adopt habits to keep our programming career long-lasting.

In this article, we’ll look at some of them and how to adopt them.

Know When to Stop

We can’t just keep writing code forever. We got to take breaks and deliver something eventually.

Therefore, we should know when to stop and consider our work to be done.

We got to step back and look at what we have critically. If it’s not good, then we’ll replace it with something good.

Also, we should add extra things that aren’t needed in our code. This way, we don’t do unnecessary work that’s not needed.

Investment in Knowledge

Investing in learning can never go wrong. Technologies are updated all the time, so we should always be learning things so that we’ll keep getting better and wiser.

This way, we’ll become better than the competition and we can get things done faster and better.

If we stick to our old ways, then we may be sticking to habits that may not produce the best result or be the most efficient way to do something.

Therefore, if we keep learning, then we’ll keep getting better and finding new ways to do things better and faster.

Also, old knowledge may get out of date and becomes useless, so we must also stay up to date for that reason.

Otherwise, we may end up being no help for anyone and that means no work for us.

Our Knowledge Portfolio

A knowledge portfolio is the assortment of knowledge that we’ve learned over time.

It’s like an investment portfolio, but instead of investing with money, we invest by spending time to learn things.

We got to invest regularly to see our knowledge grow. This should be made a habit.

Diversification is a key to success just like an investment portfolio. Never put our eggs in one basket since we don’t know when something will become useless.

This ensures that we maintain long term success.

We should hedge against risk by balancing our knowledge portfolio by investing in low-risk investments to mitigate the risk of high-risk, high-reward investments.

Now, there’s nothing that’s really risky with investing in learning knowledge as we do by investing our hard-earned money on our financial investment portfolios, but we should prepare for things to go out of date.

Once they go out of date, then we have to learn things all over again.

Building Our Knowledge Portfolio

We build our knowledge portfolio just like we do with our financial investment portfolio.

We’ve to put money on it regularly. A small amount still helps, and a bigger amount is even better. We spend time learning and understanding new things.

Diversification is slow important since technology changes a lot, so we’ve thought about that and learn new things to hedge the risk of old knowledge going outdated.

Nowadays, technologies are maturing so everything moves more slowly, so it shouldn’t be too hard to learn things incrementally.

Diversification is a way for us to manage risk. We should think about how to manage risk by balancing high risk, high reward items and low risk, low reward knowledge.

We should never put everything in on basket.

Learning New Technologies Before it Becomes Popular

Learning new technologies before they become popular will let us reap great rewards.

This is how we get opportunities before anyone else. If we learn emerging technologies before anyone else, then we’ll get a chance to help people in no time.

This is because the demand for people that need help with these kinds of technologies is increasing, but the people that know how to work with them is few and far between,

Therefore, this is our chance to shine. It’s a great reason to stay up to update more than anyone else.

Review and Rebalance

Like a real financial investment portfolio, we got to review the performance of the investments in our portfolio and change them out the investments that aren’t doing so well and try other items that may perform better.

It’s not as risky as an investment portfolio, so we can just keep learning things until something sticks and we can help people with it.

We just got to keep learning and focus on different technologies at different times.


We should treat learning new knowledge as we do with our financial investment portfolio.

They’re both investments and they’ll both pay off if we keep track of their performance and keep everything up to date.

With a learning portfolio, we just keep learning and find out what people need.

We keep doing that until we get the opportunities that we want.

Also, we should know when to stop so that we can deliver something in a reasonable timeline.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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