JavaScript Answers

How to Create a Text Input Dynamically with JavaScript?

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Sometimes, we want to create a text input dynamically with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to create a text input dynamically with JavaScript.

Create a Text Input Dynamically with JavaScript

To create a text input dynamically with JavaScript, we can use the document.createElement method to create the input element.

Then we can call appendChild to append the element to a container element.

For instance, we can write:

const input = document.createElement("input");  
input.type = "text";  
input.className = "css-class-name";  

We call document.createElement with 'input' to create an input element.

Then we set input.type to 'text' to set the type attribute of the created input element to 'text' .

Next, we set input.className to the value of the class attribute.

And finally, we call document.body.appendChild with input to append the input element as the last child of the HTML body element.

We can replace document.body with another container element that we want to attach the input element to as its last child.


To create a text input dynamically with JavaScript, we can use the document.createElement method to create the input element.

Then we can call appendChild to append the element to a container element.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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