Vue Answers

How to define ES6 rules for matching inputs with Vue Vuetify Form Validation?

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When using Vue.js with Vuetify for form validation, you can define rules for matching inputs using the Vuetify’s validation system.

To define ES6 rules for matching inputs we can:

Define Rules Object

Create a rules object where you define validation rules for each input field that needs to be matched. You can use ES6 syntax to define these rules.

Attach Rules to Inputs

Attach the rules to the respective input fields in your form using Vuetify’s rules prop.

Define Custom Validation Function (if necessary)

If the built-in rules are not sufficient for your matching criteria, you can define a custom validation function and use it as a rule.

For example we write:

  <v-form ref="form" @submit.prevent="submitForm">
      label="Confirm Password"
      :rules="[confirmPasswordRules, matchPasswordRule]"
    <v-btn type="submit">Submit</v-btn>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      password: '',
      confirmPassword: ''
  computed: {
    passwordRules() {
      return [
        value => !!value || 'Password is required',
        value => (value && value.length >= 8) || 'Password must be at least 8 characters'
    confirmPasswordRules() {
      return [
        value => !!value || 'Confirm Password is required'
  methods: {
    matchPasswordRule(value) {
      return value === this.password || 'Passwords do not match';
    submitForm() {
      // Submit logic here

In this example, we have two text fields for password and confirm password.

We define validation rules for each field using computed properties passwordRules and confirmPasswordRules.

For the confirm password field, we use a custom validation function matchPasswordRule to check if the value matches the password field.

We attach these rules to the input fields using the :rules prop.

By following this approach, you can define ES6 rules for matching inputs with Vue Vuetify Form Validation.

Adjust the rules and validation logic according to your specific requirements.

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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