
How to increase browser zoom level on page load with CSS?

Sometimes, we want to increase browser zoom level on page load with CSS.

In this article, we’ll look at how to increase browser zoom level on page load with CSS.

How to increase browser zoom level on page load with CSS?

To increase browser zoom level on page load with CSS, we set the zoom property.

For instance, we write

.zoom {
  zoom: 2;

to set zoom to 2 on the zoom class.

Then the zoom level is applied to all elements with the class.


To increase browser zoom level on page load with CSS, we set the zoom property.


How to make a div always float on the screen in top right corner with CSS?

Sometimes, we want to make a div always float on the screen in top right corner with CSS.

In this article, we’ll look at how to make a div always float on the screen in top right corner with CSS.

How to make a div always float on the screen in top right corner with CSS?

To make a div always float on the screen in top right corner with CSS, we use fixed position.

For instance, we write

body {
  height: 100%;
  overflow: auto;

body #fixedElement {
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 0;

to make the element with ID fixedElement fixed to the screen.

We make it fixed with position: fixed;.

Then we make it stay at the bottom with bottom: 0;.


To make a div always float on the screen in top right corner with CSS, we use fixed position.


How to use :hover to modify the CSS of another class?

Sometimes, we want to use :hover to modify the CSS of another class.

In this article, we’ll look at how to use :hover to modify the CSS of another class.

How to use :hover to modify the CSS of another class?

To use :hover to modify the CSS of another class, we can use it with another selector.

For instance, we write

.item:hover .wrapper {
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #000;

to select the elements with the class wrapper in the elements with class item that we hovered on.

We set its color and background-color for those elements.


To use :hover to modify the CSS of another class, we can use it with another selector.


How to make div move up and down when scrolling the page with CSS?

Sometimes, we want to make div move up and down when scrolling the page with CSS.

In this article, we’ll look at how to make div move up and down when scrolling the page with CSS.

How to make div move up and down when scrolling the page with CSS?

To make div move up and down when scrolling the page with CSS, we make the div position fixed.

For instance, we write

div {
  position: fixed;

to make the div’s position fixed so we can make it move as we scroll.


To make div move up and down when scrolling the page with CSS, we make the div position fixed.


How to style an HTML radio button to look like a checkbox with CSS?

Sometimes, we want to style an HTML radio button to look like a checkbox with CSS.

In this article, we’ll look at how to style an HTML radio button to look like a checkbox with CSS.

How to style an HTML radio button to look like a checkbox with CSS?

To style an HTML radio button to look like a checkbox with CSS, we use the appearance property.

For instance, we write

<label><input type="radio" name="radio" /> Checkbox 1</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="radio" /> Checkbox 2</label>

to add 2 checkboxes.

Then we write

input[type="radio"] {
  -webkit-appearance: checkbox; 
  -moz-appearance: checkbox; 
  -ms-appearance: checkbox; 

to add make radio buttons look like checkboxes by setting the appearance style property.


To style an HTML radio button to look like a checkbox with CSS, we use the appearance property.