
Vue 3 Development with the PrimeVue Framework — Calendar and Order List

PrimeVue is a UI framework that’s compatible with Vue 3.

In this article, we’ll look at how to get started with developing Vue 3 apps with PrimeVue.


We can add a calendar into our Vue 3 app with PrimeVue’s FullCalendar component.

To use it, we install the required packages by running:

npm install @fullcalendar/core --save
npm install @fullcalendar/daygrid --save
npm install @fullcalendar/timegrid --save
npm install @fullcalendar/interaction --save

Then we can add the calendar into our Vue 3 app by writing:


import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import PrimeVue from "primevue/config";
import FullCalendar from 'primevue/fullcalendar';
import 'primevue/resources/primevue.min.css'
import 'primevue/resources/themes/saga-blue/theme.css'
import 'primeicons/primeicons.css'
import 'primeflex/primeflex.css';

const app = createApp(App);
app.component("FullCalendar", FullCalendar);


    <FullCalendar :events="events" :options="options" />

import '@fullcalendar/core'
import dayGridPlugin from "@fullcalendar/daygrid";
import timeGridPlugin from "@fullcalendar/timegrid";
import interactionPlugin from "@fullcalendar/interaction";

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      options: {
        plugins: [dayGridPlugin, timeGridPlugin, interactionPlugin],
        initialDate: "2020-12-01",
        headerToolbar: {
          left: "prev,next",
          center: "title",
          right: "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay",
        editable: true,
      events: [
          id: 1,
          title: "All Day Event",
          start: "2020-12-01",
          id: 2,
          title: "Long Event",
          start: "2020-12-07",
          end: "2020-12-10",
  methods: {},

We have to install the @fullcalendar dependencies.

Then we import and register the FullCalendar component.

Then in App.vue , we add the required plugins by putting them into the options.plugins array.

Then events are populated by the events array, which has the id , title , start and end properties.

If end isn’t specified, then the event lasts a day.

We also specify how the top bar in the calendar is displayed with the headerToolbar property.

All the items listed are names for toolbar buttons.

We can set the initialDate property to set the initial date to display in the calendar.

Order List

We can add a list that can be reordered with the OrderList component.

To add it, we write:


import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import PrimeVue from "primevue/config";
import OrderList from 'primevue/orderlist';
import 'primevue/resources/primevue.min.css'
import 'primevue/resources/themes/saga-blue/theme.css'
import 'primeicons/primeicons.css'
import 'primeflex/primeflex.css';

const app = createApp(App);
app.component("OrderList", OrderList);


    <OrderList v-model="cars" listStyle="height:auto" dataKey="vin">
      <template #header> List of Cars </template>
      <template #item="slotProps">
        <div class="p-caritem">
            <span class="p-caritem-vin">{{ }}</span>
            <span>{{ slotProps.item.year }} - {{ slotProps.item.color }}</span>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      cars: [
        { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
        { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
        { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
  methods: {},

We register the OrderList component in main.js .

Then we add it into App.vue .

We populate the header slot with the header content.

And we populate the item slot with the content for a single item.

The slotProps.item property has the item data.

We should now get a list of items that we can select with buttons to reorder them.

v-model is bound to the cars array, which has the list items.


We can add calendars and reorderable lists into our Vue 3 app with PrimeVue.


Vue 3 Development with the PrimeVue Framework — Data Views

PrimeVue is a UI framework that’s compatible with Vue 3.

In this article, we’ll look at how to get started with developing Vue 3 apps with PrimeVue.

Data View

We can use PrimeVue’s DataView component to add data views into our app.

For instance, we can write:


import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import PrimeVue from "primevue/config";
import DataView from 'primevue/dataview';
import DataViewLayoutOptions from 'primevue/dataviewlayoutoptions';
import Panel from 'primevue/panel';
import 'primevue/resources/primevue.min.css'
import 'primevue/resources/themes/saga-blue/theme.css'
import 'primeicons/primeicons.css'
import 'primeflex/primeflex.css';

const app = createApp(App);
app.component("DataView", DataView);
app.component("DataViewLayoutOptions", DataViewLayoutOptions);
app.component("Panel", Panel);


    <DataView :value="cars" layout='grid'>
      <template #list="slotProps">
        <div class="p-col-12">
          <div class="car-details">
              <div class="p-grid">
                <div class="p-col-12">
                  Vin: <b>{{ }}</b>
                <div class="p-col-12">
                  Year: <b>{{ }}</b>
                <div class="p-col-12">
                  Brand: <b>{{ }}</b>
                <div class="p-col-12">
                  Color: <b>{{ }}</b>
      <template #grid="slotProps">
        <div style="padding: 0.5em" class="p-col-12 p-md-3">
          <Panel :header="" style="text-align: center">
            <div class="car-detail">
              {{ }} - {{ }}

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      cars: [
        { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
        { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
        { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
  methods: {},

We set the value prop to populate it with data.

The list slot is used to rendering items with layout prop is set to list .

And the grid slot is used for rendering items when the layout prop it set to grid .

We get the entry data with the property.

The header slot lets us populate the header content.

And the footer slot lets us populate the footer content:

    <DataView :value="cars" layout="list">
      <template #header>Header </template>
      <template #footer>Footer </template>
      <template #list="slotProps">
        <div class="p-col-12">
          <div class="car-details">
              <div class="p-grid">
                <div class="p-col-12">
                  Vin: <b>{{ }}</b>
                <div class="p-col-12">
                  Year: <b>{{ }}</b>
                <div class="p-col-12">
                  Brand: <b>{{ }}</b>
                <div class="p-col-12">
                  Color: <b>{{ }}</b>
      <template #grid="slotProps">
        <div style="padding: 0.5em" class="p-col-12 p-md-3">
          <Panel :header="" style="text-align: center">
            <div class="car-detail">
              {{ }} - {{ }}

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      cars: [
        { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
        { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
        { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
  methods: {},


We can add a data view into our Vue 3 app with PrimeVue’s DataView component.


Vue 3 Development with the PrimeVue Framework — Scrolling Table, Expandable Rows, and Editable Table Cells

PrimeVue is a UI framework that’s compatible with Vue 3.

In this article, we’ll look at how to get started with developing Vue 3 apps with PrimeVue.

Scrolling Table

We can make the table scrollable with the scrollable and scrollHeight props.

For example, we can write:

      <Column field="vin" header="Vin"> </Column>
      <Column field="year" header="Year"></Column>
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color"></Column>

const seed = [
  { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
  { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
  { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
let cars = [...seed];
for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
  methods: {},

We can freeze one or more rows with the frozenValue prop:

      <Column field="vin" header="Vin"> </Column>
      <Column field="year" header="Year"></Column>
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color"></Column>

const seed = [
  { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
  { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
  { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
let cars = [...seed];
for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      frozenValue: [seed[0]],
  methods: {},

Expandable Table Rows

We can add expandable table rows with the expander prop:

      [@row]( "Twitter profile for @row")-expand="onRowExpand"
      [@row]( "Twitter profile for @row")-collapse="onRowCollapse"
      <Column :expander="true" headerStyle="width: 3rem" />
      <Column field="vin" header="Vin"> </Column>
      <Column field="year" header="Year"></Column>
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color"></Column>
      <template #expansion="slotProps">
          <h5>{{ }}</h5>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      cars: [
        { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
        { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
        { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
      expandedRows: [],
  methods: {
    onRowExpand() {
    onRowCollapse() {

The expansion slot has the content for the expanded row. has the table row data.

We can listen to the row-expand and row-collapse events to listen to event emitted when rows are expanded and collapsed.

The expandedRows reactive property has the expanded rows since we bound with v-model .

Editable Table Cells

We can make table cells editable by populating the editor slot:

    <DataTable :value="cars" editMode="cell">
      <Column field="vin" header="Vin">
        <template #editor="slotProps">
          <InputText v-model="[slotProps.column.props.field]" />
      <Column field="year" header="Year">
        <template #editor="slotProps">
          <InputText v-model="[slotProps.column.props.field]" />
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color"></Column>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      cars: [
        { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
        { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
        { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
  methods: {},

The cell’s value is stored in the[slotProps.column.props.field] variable.


We can add scrolling, expandable rows, and editable table cells into our Vue 3 app with PrimeVue.


Vue 3 Development with the PrimeVue Framework — Scrolling Table, Expandable Rows, and Editable Table Cells

PrimeVue is a UI framework that’s compatible with Vue 3.

In this article, we’ll look at how to get started with developing Vue 3 apps with PrimeVue.

Scrolling Table

We can make the table scrollable with the scrollable and scrollHeight props.

For example, we can write:

      <Column field="vin" header="Vin"> </Column>
      <Column field="year" header="Year"></Column>
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color"></Column>

const seed = [
  { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
  { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
  { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
let cars = [...seed];
for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
  methods: {},

We can freeze one or more rows with the frozenValue prop:

      <Column field="vin" header="Vin"> </Column>
      <Column field="year" header="Year"></Column>
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color"></Column>

const seed = [
  { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
  { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
  { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
let cars = [...seed];
for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      frozenValue: [seed[0]],
  methods: {},

Expandable Table Rows

We can add expandable table rows with the expander prop:

      [@row]( "Twitter profile for @row")-expand="onRowExpand"
      [@row]( "Twitter profile for @row")-collapse="onRowCollapse"
      <Column :expander="true" headerStyle="width: 3rem" />
      <Column field="vin" header="Vin"> </Column>
      <Column field="year" header="Year"></Column>
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color"></Column>
      <template #expansion="slotProps">
          <h5>{{ }}</h5>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      cars: [
        { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
        { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
        { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
      expandedRows: [],
  methods: {
    onRowExpand() {
    onRowCollapse() {

The expansion slot has the content for the expanded row. has the table row data.

We can listen to the row-expand and row-collapse events to listen to event emitted when rows are expanded and collapsed.

The expandedRows reactive property has the expanded rows since we bound with v-model .

Editable Table Cells

We can make table cells editable by populating the editor slot:

    <DataTable :value="cars" editMode="cell">
      <Column field="vin" header="Vin">
        <template #editor="slotProps">
          <InputText v-model="[slotProps.column.props.field]" />
      <Column field="year" header="Year">
        <template #editor="slotProps">
          <InputText v-model="[slotProps.column.props.field]" />
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color"></Column>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      cars: [
        { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
        { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
        { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
  methods: {},

The cell’s value is stored in the[slotProps.column.props.field] variable.


We can add scrolling, expandable rows, and editable table cells into our Vue 3 app with PrimeVue.


Vue 3 Development with the PrimeVue Framework — Table Pagination, Sorting, and Row Selection

PrimeVue is a UI framework that’s compatible with Vue 3.

In this article, we’ll look at how to get started with developing Vue 3 apps with PrimeVue.

Table Pagination

We can add table pagination easily into our Vue 3 app with PrimeVue.

For instance, we can write:

      paginatorTemplate="CurrentPageReport FirstPageLink PrevPageLink PageLinks NextPageLink LastPageLink RowsPerPageDropdown"
      :rowsPerPageOptions="[10, 20, 50]"
      currentPageReportTemplate="Showing {first} to {last} of {totalRecords}"
      <Column field="vin" header="Vin"> </Column>
      <Column field="year" header="Year"></Column>
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color"></Column>
      <template #paginatorLeft>
        <Button type="button" icon="pi pi-refresh" class="p-button-text" />
      <template #paginatorRight>
        <Button type="button" icon="pi pi-cloud" class="p-button-text" />

const seed = [
  { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
  { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
  { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },

let cars = [...seed];
for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
  methods: {},

We add the paginator prop to enable pagination.

rows has the rows per page.

paginatorTemplate lets us specify the layout of the pagination bar with a string.

rowsPerPageOptions has the rows per page options for pagination.

currentPageReportTemplate has the string template to display the page info to the user.

We populate the paginatorLeft and paginatorRight slots to add the buttons for navigating the pages.

Table Sorting

We can make table columns sortable with the sortable prop on each column.

For instance, we can write:

    <DataTable :value="cars" sortMode="multiple">
      <Column field="vin" header="Vin" sortable="true"> </Column>
      <Column field="year" header="Year" sortable="true"></Column>
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand" sortable="true"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color" sortable="true"></Column>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      cars: [
        { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
        { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
        { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
  methods: {},

We set sortable to true to enable sorting for each column.

sortMode set to 'multiple' lets us sort by multiple columns.

Table Row Selection

We can enable selection for table rows with the selectionMode prop:

      <Column field="vin" header="Vin"> </Column>
      <Column field="year" header="Year"></Column>
      <Column field="brand" header="Brand"></Column>
      <Column field="color" header="Color"></Column>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      selectedCars: [],
      cars: [
        { brand: "Volkswagen", year: 2012, color: "Orange", vin: "dsad231ff" },
        { brand: "Audi", year: 2011, color: "Black", vin: "gwregre345" },
        { brand: "Renault", year: 2005, color: "Gray", vin: "h354htr" },
  methods: {},

dataKey has the property name of the unique identifier of each row.

We bind the selections to the selectedCars reactive property with v-model .


We can add pagination, row selection, and sorting to tables with PrimeVue’s table components.